Exactly. The poor become resentful and their jealousy drives them to blame it on someone or a group of ppl. There's gold everywhere in this country you just have to train yourself to see it and obtain it.
Yeah the rich don't rob the poor. That's a poor mindset and if he continues with this mindset this man will remain poor forever. Eliminating the rich won't solve anything besides rrealize that you're just an ass hole.
Capitalism is not about the rich fighting the poor, it's about them working together. A rich man can't get rich without his employees. but then someone says there's a "gap" and takes the rich man's money which forces him to cut down on employees and it all starts over again. IT'S NOT ABOUT RICH VS. POOR IGNORANT PEOPLE
· 10 years ago
The "thumb downs" that I'm seeing on these comments are appearantly coming from people who have entitlement mentalities and victim mentalities.
So much ignorance in this post.
What a laugh.