No, that's a chicken's period, an acorn, silk, and what millions of people consider to be a tiny, living person. Is it so hard for you to accept the notion that other people's opinions differ from yours? If no one can change your mind by being aggressively pro-life around you, I don't know what makes you think you can change anyone else's mind. And just some food for thought- You were just a tiny embryo once. As were we all. Peaceful pro-choicer out.
· 10 years ago
Most scientists believe that babies dream, while they're still in the womb. So if you think that it's okay to kill a being that's capable of dreaming, then I guess that that's your prerogative.
· 10 years ago
[citation needed]
· 10 years ago
It's true that a fetus is able to dream once it grows to a certain point. Hell, twins even fight each other in the womb.
I personally don't support abortion for fetuses over five months old. You know, like how people are fine with eating eggs but are uncomfortable with eating half-formed chick fetuses. Same thing.
Here's the thing though, abortions performed after that point are done only as a matter of medical necessity, when the baby is unlikely to survive and giving birth would most likely kill the woman. They are vanishingly rare and never done on a whim, to bring them up in a debate about abortion is just disingenuous. The VAST majority of abortions are performed when it's not even a foetus, just a tiny undifferentiated clump of cells with no nervous system or organs of any kind.
Also, still no citation for your claim.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Sorry I had to sleep and I'm pretty sure you know how to use Google. Also I understand when the baby has to be aborted for the safety of the mother.
· 10 years ago
Of course I know how to use Google, but you're the one making the claim, if you can't provide evidence for that claim then you have no grounds to make it in the first place. Also, if you understand when abortion is necessary for the woman's safety, why mention it as something you object to in the first place? You said: "I personally don't support abortion for fetuses over five months old." to which I replied: "abortions performed after that point are done only as a matter of medical necessity". Either you object to them, or you understand.
First and second are a matter of choice, this ie because the odds of a foetus surviving after delivery before the third trimester are incredibly slim, and those that do usually suffer from complications. Abortions in the third trimester are only ever performed as a matter of medical necessity, where the foetus is unlikely to survive and delivery poses a significant risk to the woman's life, many of the complications which require abortion only become detectable in the third trimester anyway. The story of your friend is irrelevant, laws are not made on the basis of anecdotes, even if it's true one person's petty actions are not a reason to remove everyone else's rights.
Its all up to the individual. I for one, am against abortion, but I can't impose my beliefs on a pregnant person, whether the child lives or not is their choice entirely.
· 10 years ago
Best comment ever... "I can't impose my beliefs on a pregnant person" Even in any context one should impose their beliefs on anyone. Live life the way that makes you happy. Stop trying to make other people live the way you want them to live.
Wouldn't you rather a women have an abortion as she feels it's the best choice then a baby growing up in an environment that may not be nurturing, make the child feel unwanted or where the mother for whatever reasons it may be not be able cope??
I grew up in a terrible environment and I am thankful I have not been aborted. Go around: Ask disabled persons, ask children in the foster system, children from difficult families. I don't think the majority would say: You know what? I'd rather be dead than experiencing this.
I don't think ur stupid if u disagree with abortion, I think u shouldn't be able to have an abortion unless it's for medical reasons, I would think ur stupid if u think every abortion is wrong
If someone is going to get an abortion their going to get an abortion. If they Dont they Dont. Nobody but the parents have a say so why argue about it all the time?
A sperm and egg isn't a person but a fetus is. What kind of dumbass tries to justify abortion anyway? You just can't. And besides, killing a chicken is WAY different than killing a human baby. I'm sorry but this is too stupid for me to handle.
I am very pro-life and believe heavily in adoption as an alternative option. This mainly because I myself was adopted. That said, the sperm and egg is not human. Not yet at least. Most pro-life scientists and supporters agree that a fetus can be described as human when a heartbeat first appears. I know I can't shove my beliefs up a woman's vagina and yank her baby out without consent, but I will fully support adoption and try to convince someone of the alternative.
The point a lot of people seem to forget is: An abortion is not over once you had the abortion. You are likely to suffer from mental illness later on. Also your children (if you later decide to get some) are likely to suffer from Survivors Syndrome. I do and it's hard and every day is a fight for me because of a decision my mom made a lot of years ago. All everyone talks about is if it's murder or not. No-one ever talks about the consequences for you and your later children. Please consider the damage cause this decision is not only about you and it can destroy your life too (mental illnesses are no joke)
· 10 years ago
The statistics I've seen show there is no significant difference in the incidence of mental illness between women who have had abortions and those who haven't. It's a long debunked myth the anti-choice crowd keep pushing. Also, it seems that in this context "Survivor Syndrome" is just another name for "Judgemental Jackass".
There are statistics and then there's actually experiencing the aftermath. If you don't suffer from Survivors Syndrome (or PASS in this context) please don't play it down like it's just an excuse. You do not know what it feels like to live with parents who have aborted your sibling and also wanted to abort your sister but decided otherwise. I will always feel like I took my siblings place. Like I do not deserve to live. That feeling will never go away for me. I do not say that women don't have reasons for abortion. I understand that sometimes it the only way - when you've been raped or if you are likely to not survive the pregnancy/giving birth or it's extremely dangerous for you. But apart from that: When you sleep with someone you should be responsible enough to raise a child. And if you think you're too young, you can't have a child cause you can't give him/her a good life than don't have sex. It is that easy.
That's why you should be responsible enough to raise a child when you have sex. Cause contraceptives do not work a 100%.
And I don't care if the DSM-IV manual lists PASS or not. The symptoms are well known between children from families where an abortion took place. Giving it a name or not acknowledging it, doesn't change the way a lot of us feel. Again - I am talking about children with aborted siblings or children who survived an actual abortion or a considered abortion. Very few acknowledge this topic cause we are more like collateral damage.
· 10 years ago
Still sounds like "Survivor Syndrome" is just another name for "Judgemental Jackass".
I personally don't support abortion for fetuses over five months old. You know, like how people are fine with eating eggs but are uncomfortable with eating half-formed chick fetuses. Same thing.
Also, still no citation for your claim.
And I don't care if the DSM-IV manual lists PASS or not. The symptoms are well known between children from families where an abortion took place. Giving it a name or not acknowledging it, doesn't change the way a lot of us feel. Again - I am talking about children with aborted siblings or children who survived an actual abortion or a considered abortion. Very few acknowledge this topic cause we are more like collateral damage.