Nah. It's in NJ and I live in upstate NY and didn't know about it. Saw it on reddit and had to share. Only now I realize that it kinda does look like a giant vagina and I wonder if we're being punk'd by Russia.
guest ยท 21 hours ago
So Russia donated a huge vagina..
My dear fellow guests-
How so?~
For me, it looks like a building.
One of the twin towers~
Cracked, and broken.
But at the heart, there is a tear.
A tear shed for all those who have died.
I really do think it's lovely of Russia to do this.~
-Captain Nerdette
Ok seriously what's up with all the nastily jokes any other time I wouldn't care but really your comparing over 3,000 deaths to a vagina you people obviously don't care that over 3,000 innocent people died for no reason
· 10 years ago
The comparison isn't between 3,000 deaths and a vagina; the comparison is between this monument and a vagina.
· 10 years ago
Which is still inapro-pro.
· 10 years ago
I don't see why it would be classed as "inapro-pro" - it *does* look like a vagina.
· 10 years ago
It *really* doesn't. I didn't see a vagina, I saw a building with a large crack down the middle. Get your mind out of that gutter.
· 10 years ago
Go look at a medical diagram of a vagina, they're very alike - it's not having a dirty mind, it's knowing what a vagina looks like.
· 10 years ago
I have one, I know what it looks like. This still doesn't mean it's particularly funny nor clever to say it looks like a vagina.
So Russia donated a huge vagina..
My dear fellow guests-
How so?~
For me, it looks like a building.
One of the twin towers~
Cracked, and broken.
But at the heart, there is a tear.
A tear shed for all those who have died.
I really do think it's lovely of Russia to do this.~
-Captain Nerdette