Spoilers dude. I'm the fuck bag everyone hates who doesn't read the books and watches the movies and I just watched the first 2 last weekend because my sister promised we would watch LOTR afterward and I kinda find this interesting.
Ok. IN THE BOOK, Peeta loses his leg. IN THE BOOK, Peeta gets a prosthetic. They don't emphasize it much in the movies. Anyhow, prosthetics do move. You can still walk and run with them...that's the point. My brother was born with no bones in his legs from the knees down. He had to have an amputation and now he had prosthetics. He still runs around like any other little boy. He plays soccer, basketball, swims, and does everything any other person can do. Back to the point, nothing was spoiled for you. The end. (:
When I heard "lost a leg" I figured that ment his entire leg was gone which includes the knee. Thus I was thinking prosthetic limbs don't bend like joints such as the knee.