The best part about this show was the last episode where there was a huge build up about the identity of the magician, but then when he finally took off his mask NO ONE had any clue who the guy was
· 10 years ago
I never got to watch that last finale lol I would have been disappointed. I always thought it was david Copperfield
What am I looking at here exactly? this supposed to like induce abutilon nightmares or something, because if that's what it's for, it's probably going to work
This guy's a dumb ass. Could not make it as a performing magician. Sells out by giving some secrets out (against the code) then tried desperately to inform Las Vegas that he was Valentino the masked magician. Unsurprisingly, no one cared. Penn and teller are the kings
How David Blaine levitates is on YouTube... He basically has a slit in his pants and just to reach one leg out, his shoes have magnets that hold them together so you think both feet are still together
Magician secrets finally reviled the best show that I'd enjoyed the most I wish he had more episodes