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· 10 years ago
Katrina died as a hero aswell
· 10 years ago
I live in Syd ;-;
· 10 years ago
... What happened?
· 10 years ago
A guy who had some degree of extremist ideologies decided to hold up the Lindt Cafe down in Martin Place which happens to be in the CBD of Sydney. The siege lasted from c. 9.45am to I think 2am the next day. I'm surprised you don't know what's happened, the story was everywhere from Al Jazeera to CNN.
· 10 years ago
Thanks for the news, I guess Australian news just doesn't get out here to Croatia
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· 10 years ago
Ah, that's alright. You're from Croatia? That's so cool! I've tried learning Hrvatski, but I can't say very much haha
· 10 years ago
Bro, chillax, guest didn't get the news. If you want something fun, just refresh FS and ignore this post.
· 10 years ago
hexy you're being a bit of a cunt
· 10 years ago
To the people complaining that this post isn't fun and doesn't belong here, these people died so show some fucking respect.
· 10 years ago
We aren't cracking jokes though, we're giving an awareness in the ways that we know are populated by people, and not only those that are our friends.
· 10 years ago
I never knew any of these people, but this still touches my heart and makes me want to cry. It is so sad to see such great peopl die. And for what? Some terrorist that is shoving his religion down other peoples throats... (No offence intended, sorry if I did) :'( ;_;
· 10 years ago
This is the sort of stuff that starts wars. If only people found some way to just respect each other's opinions and beliefs, maybe, just maybe, we can have some peace
· 10 years ago
I wish the other bastards who took advantage of these heroic acts and ran off would've helped. The men in that building could easily overpower that man, only one did and he payed the ultimate price.
· 10 years ago
I'd like to see how you react in that situation, what sounds like a great plan soon falls apart when your faced with a gun. Every one in that situation did the best they could, running away isn't a bad thing its smart. These people deserve compassion and understanding, no one should be put in that situation. Shame on you.
· 10 years ago
Though I agree that if they had all attacked the bad guy then they could have... thinged him, no one functions well during panic and you, vlekkie my nemesis, have no right to judge and call them bastards.
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· 10 years ago
They could have saved the man. He could have been alive, the woman could have been alive. Oh yes and me in that situation faved with a gun? If the other person had already attacked why not join and simply overpower the guy?
· 10 years ago
Have you ever faced a gun before, had one held in your face while your captor threatened you? Have you ever had a gun fired at you with the purpose of killing you?
· 10 years ago
Have you?