I really needed this. Definitely saving it.
Also. If anyone ever EVER needs someone to talk, I'm here, okay? I've helped people before, and its worth living for. My kik is @georgeweasleybro , come find me.If you ever, EVER are hurting, on the verge of suicide or self harm, come to me. If you're just hurting or sad, I'm here. I may nit be able to help myself very much, but helping others makes it worth the fight for me. ♥
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Same here guys. @sarahlovorn is the name. Love y'all!
Big love to all who have ever felt the urge to self harm. I had an enormous breakdown 14 months ago and couldn't go a day without serious self-harm. But after a lot of support and hard work, I can go through bad things (like a break up) and not even think about self-harm. If I can do it, anyone can! Every single one of you is incredibly important, and even though we all do bad things occasionally, we are all be good people and deserve recovery and to be able to love ourselves!
Also, for the blood thing, you can break a red ink pen and stick a needle in the ink then drag it across your skin. It looks exactly like a real injury and it has the same motion
Me and my friend have the "balloon method". Draw the face of whoever you hate, or draw a picture of something that's bugging you and beat the crap out of the balloon. Surprisingly, you can beat it with a Nerd sword and it doesn't pop. Try it! Helps so much. Pop the balloon only when you're done. (:
I agree with petilia, just cut yourself there's no point wasting time with this other bullshit plus it's not as satisfying as the real feeling of the cut and sight of the blood. I mean it just makes all your problems go away cutting is such a great answer to every problem you could have!
Is this irony???
If not then you really don't understand how it is to cut. Luckily. But for those who is addicted to the pain - the pain they think they deserve - it is a nightmare to get out of. Just another scar on top of the others.. I'm almost clean for 8 month
Also. If anyone ever EVER needs someone to talk, I'm here, okay? I've helped people before, and its worth living for. My kik is @georgeweasleybro , come find me.If you ever, EVER are hurting, on the verge of suicide or self harm, come to me. If you're just hurting or sad, I'm here. I may nit be able to help myself very much, but helping others makes it worth the fight for me. ♥
Hahaha, its just that everytime I go out of the bath i'm always happy cause I'm refreshed
If not then you really don't understand how it is to cut. Luckily. But for those who is addicted to the pain - the pain they think they deserve - it is a nightmare to get out of. Just another scar on top of the others.. I'm almost clean for 8 month