Little things can start the change. Cut out soda, drink more water, try walking around more. I couldn't believe how few steps I was taking everyday. So I started tracking
Um hey hoopla isn't wrong though, the bangs are filled in more, and the way her cut is shaped is better looking and fuller, so she has at least what seems to be more/healthier hair. Her hair was cut for style not length. Besides, the original comment was supposed to be funny but the first replied kiiinda killed the fun train.
Dude shut the fuck up,why do stupid assholes like you ALWAYS try to promote an unhealthy lifestyle by LYING that fat is beautiful. I bet that you yourself are fucking fat because you want to make your condition seem good looking. However, you're tricking no one. Give up, an unhealthy lifestyle WILL NEVER be considered good. Stop trying to ruin the lives of people around you, by trying to convince them to either get fat or stay fat. If you've ever managed to convince someone that your deluded ideals are correct, I hope that one day they will see the truth and how illogical your statement was, and I hope they will then better their ways. I hope that one day delusional idiots like you will be replaced with people that understand their problems and actively try to fix them.
No, this is actually important. Why is the glorification of fat and unhealthy lifestyles something that still exists? That's like the glorification of self induced heart failure, so basically long term suicide. How come these delusional idiots still exist?! Fat is not beautiful, in fact its fucking killing you. The thing is, you can prevent obesity, and lose weight like in this picture. HOWEVER, people like guest hinder that, and they as a result promote obesity and a slow death. So no, I'm not going to calm the fuck down until these stupid delusional fucks finally come to their senses. I know I'm just a small drop in the ocean that is the internet, but I can still try, can't I?