I'm not even denying it this time. I cried. Something happened with one of my friends, and they would always be in a hurry to leave school for the same reason. (They didn't take the bus, so they just ran) And one day they just...stopped...no more hurry...
This makes me wonder, because there's a kid that takes off as soon as he's off the bus. I knew him from my old school, but I don't think he remembers me. I hope I get the courage to ask one day. He's always alone, and I tried talking to him, but he doesn't talk much.
· 10 years ago
There's this one kid I knew who would always ride the bus with me then look worriedly at his house and run home. One day I asked him why, asked if something is wrong. He told me he had to get home before his brother took all the bagel bites....
This is why suicide is selfish. Killing yourself will not make things better for you, it will just my everyone else miserable, and also destroy the possible future ahead of you. If you are contemplating suicide, get help, seriously. There are kids out there who have had their friends and families killed in front of them, then made into child soldiers, who haven't given up on life. I'm not saying your struggles aren't real, but there is no way that you can't get over them.
Look, ns, if someone's life is SO BAD they feel that killing themselves is the only way out, you shouldn't blame them for trying to get out. You should be offering sympathy, not offering your hatred.
Its just that they precieve their lives as bad. Their lives USUALLY aren't bad enough to warrant suicide
· 10 years ago
I'm sorry, ns, but do you know ANYTHING about depression? Depression isn't always caused by your sorroundings. Its just something that appear out of the blue - in my case anyway - and you don't know why. It's simply your brain that doesn't work correctly. And judging and telling people to suck it up only hurts and isn't helpful in any way.
I apologize for my bad grammar
From your point of view ns their lives may not be that bad, but from their point of view it is. They see no escape to the living hell they are in. The only escape they see is suicide.
I keep seeing people piling on Ns here, yet the only alternative even hinted at seems to be coddling them. Am I missing something here?
If they're not attention-seeking, then they need to seek (or have friends and family help them get) professional help, as Ns states.
when did ns state that they should seek help? all they said was "Its just that they precieve their lives as bad. Their lives USUALLY aren't bad enough to warrant suicide". it got dislikes, i think, because people feel like ns is just dismissing suicide like it's no big deal.
That's not all he said. Did you actually bother reading? *sigh*
Ns: "If you are contemplating suicide, get help, seriously."
It's from his first comment in this thread.
Yes I see your point but ns did say that suicide is selfish. And I get, in a way it is. But what we're saying is that people thinking of committing suicide see it as no other way out of what they find themselves stuck in. The help might be there but they don't see it or might not think they are worthy of even being helped. As my first reply to ns stated, they don't see it from another point of view. They don't see that there could be a brighter future, they just see this never ending road of darkness, and to them suicide is the only way out.
Edit: mgoveia, I wasn't meaning to 'Pile' on ns as you said. I see it from ns' point and get what they are saying but they didn't show in the comment that they understood what it was like from the point of view from someone committing suicide. That is why I said except in my first reply.
Part of this 'coddling' and understanding is that you help them feel wanted and safe, so they have someone to talk to, and so that you can advise them to get help, or talk to other loved ones about it if needed.
Please try to argue that killing yourself is a smart thing to do.
You can't say that just because a person was depressed, they did the right thing by killing themselves. At most you can argue that their depression justified their decision, not that it was a smart decision.
So,suicide is only committed when one feels that they have no other choice.
This does NOT make suicide an intelligent course of action.
Can you answer my question? Have you ever actually been diagnosed with depression, ns?
· 10 years ago
Please tell me you're not just asking that so you can say he has no right to say anything, or that he doesn't know how it feels. That would be very stupid if you did....
Calm the lovely tits, how many people have actually even been diagnosed? I havent, and I'm not depressed. However, me not being depressed still doesn't mean I can't call suicide stupid. Depression may make it seem like suicide is a good idea, it doesn't make it a good idea though. Similarly, insanity may make murder seem like a good idea, however this doesn't make murder a good idea.
Now, I've answered your question, so you have to answer mine:
Is suicide a smart thing to do?
I'm not trying to fix the problem,I'm just saying that suicide is stupid. Apparently calmthelovelytits disagrees with that, perhaps they believe suicide is a great choice.
No, Calmthelovelytits thinks that just because you think something doesn't mean it has to come out of your mouth. Suicide being stupid doesn't change anything, and neither does you saying it's stupid. No one is saying it's a great idea, they're saying you should shut your mouth because it just makes people feel more alone when they have no one to talk to about their 'stupid' problems that 'aren't worth it'... which leads to suicide.
calmthelovelytits thinks that since you've never had the misfortune of being diagnosed with depression, you should seriously consider the idea of shutting the fuck up about something that you don't understand. Of course suicide is not a smart thing to do, any moron knows that; but until you've been in that place, you will never be able to fully grasp how it feels. So go discuss something you have experience with, why don't you.
flimflam, saying that is not stupid because it is the truth. He can call suicide stupid all he wants, but since he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about, he probably shouldn't say anything at all.
· 10 years ago
Yup I was right...I'm a mind reader. You went there and it's just as stupid as I said it'd be.
Wow, Flimflam is able to see how people continue to ignore arguments so that people have to use them again, and again, and again, in the hope that someone, somewhere will eventually get it. *thumbs up*
Flimflam, how is it stupid? The only stupid thing about it would be having to explain something so obvious.
· 10 years ago
I understand the argument, that's what makes it dumb. It's a form of social justice. Putting someone else opinion down by saying their just ignorant. They just don't understand the pain the person went through. Its closely related to the phrase "you don't understand me" and "you don't understand my pain" It's what a thousand teenage girls say every day of their lives as their tears turn black from their eyeliner. Yes, depression is terrible, yes it's painful, but it can be survived easily. Just because you have depression doesn't man you're going to commit suicide. Just because you don't have depression doesn't mean you don't understand how it feels to be depressed. We all go through our lives believing no one understands how we feel, but almost everyone has felt the same way before. Theyd just describe it in different words. It's futile to say someone's opinion is useless because they don't understand. It doesn't matter if they understand what it feels like anyways, suicide is stupid.
If people were only allowed to speak from experience, we'd still be in the stone age. Anyway, I already said a couple times that depression may make suicide seem like a choice. So yeah, calmthelovelytits just refused to read my comments because he/she/it got butthurt over my internet comment. My entire argument was that suicide is stupid, not that depressed people don't feel like suicide is the only way out. Next time, read a comment fully before making your idiocy apparent, calmthelovelytits.
For your information, I did read through all of your comments. I understand suicide is not a smart choice in the end but what I'm referring to is mainly your first few comments where you go through the whole "others have it worse" bullshit. Yes, you did say that that doesn't mean their problems aren't real, but you still attempted to speak for something you don't understand. Do you not see the problem in that? Of course you can still have your opinion and all that crap, but how can anyone take you seriously if you don't really get it? It's not exactly something you can research.
· 10 years ago
If you ask me the whole "saying you can't be sad because others have it worse is like saying you can't be happy because others have it better" well that's only half true. You can be sad, but you can't mope around forever. Of course you can be sad, but you have to get over it. If you wallow in self pity it'll only get worse. That's when you should remind yourself others have it worse and either fix your problem or suck it up. I know that's harsh, but if you don't you could end up committing suicide.
With depression you just kind of unwittingly bury yourself in this very dark hole and digging yourself out is far easier said than done. I do get what you're saying, but simply "getting over it" or "sucking it up" is like telling a stabbed person to just "stop bleeding." You do need stitches, but getting them hurts.
· 10 years ago
No, anything can be achieved through mental self control. I would know. People can become literally sick because they convince themselves they're sick. I know it sounds strange and impossible, but you have to decide to be happy.
Maybe sometimes it's that simple, but not always. When you're contemplated suicide, you're pretty far gone. It's not easy to just turn around like *that.*
OK, why don't we just see it from both point of views. I get that it's real hard for people with depression, I'm definitely NOT saying that I'm completely on your side, but please, even though everyone you've met is against you, or you lost your job, career, an important person in your life, your trust, or parents/friends/family/bullies or people in general abuse you, or all of above, there's that person who just wishes to help you, and only you to help you recover, no matter how much time and patience it takes. Now you might think 'there's never going to be a person like that' or 'mine probably died.' But that's actually not true... I'm with you.
"It's not the take off that matters, it's the flight and landing that do..."
My dad end up in a cuma.
I was five when he did the "thing"
I didn't know that he was taking the pills to die. But I'm glad he came back home after two week.
I apologize for my bad grammar
If they're not attention-seeking, then they need to seek (or have friends and family help them get) professional help, as Ns states.
Ns: "If you are contemplating suicide, get help, seriously."
It's from his first comment in this thread.
Edit: mgoveia, I wasn't meaning to 'Pile' on ns as you said. I see it from ns' point and get what they are saying but they didn't show in the comment that they understood what it was like from the point of view from someone committing suicide. That is why I said except in my first reply.
You can't say that just because a person was depressed, they did the right thing by killing themselves. At most you can argue that their depression justified their decision, not that it was a smart decision.
So,suicide is only committed when one feels that they have no other choice.
This does NOT make suicide an intelligent course of action.
Now, I've answered your question, so you have to answer mine:
Is suicide a smart thing to do?
flimflam, saying that is not stupid because it is the truth. He can call suicide stupid all he wants, but since he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about, he probably shouldn't say anything at all.
"It's not the take off that matters, it's the flight and landing that do..."
I was five when he did the "thing"
I didn't know that he was taking the pills to die. But I'm glad he came back home after two week.
I probably would have ended up in a coma after that, too.