You shouldn't be ashamed of something you didn't do. Why is it that all of us Muslims feel ashamed when a Muslim does something bad, but when a random Christian (or any other religion) does something bad , the people of their religion don't really care or feel ashamed of their religion. So don't be ashamed to be Muslim just because another Muslim which you don't even know did did some stuff.
You think not being ashamed of it is gonna solve the fact that almost everyone is pointing fingers? I think the real issue that should be of concern is exactly what you brought up; why is it that when a Muslim does something, other Muslims are affected, but if a Christian or a Jewish person were to stand up and do something, no one would look at anyone else of that religion like THEY were the ones that did the thing?
What? Cuz if a Catholic strays and kills somebody he does not scream "God is great" and then go kill 11 others. When is the last time a Catholic has committed mass murder in the name of God? You people need to control your crazies.
If you think about it, it is not that simple. Every time it ends up being one of the works of Al-Qaeda or whatever the fuck their name is. This fucking idea of this fucking group is the result of Saudi Arabia's ideologists. They say all shit in their country and they do all kinds of shit. These groups are completely the same as the barbarians of 1400 years ago at the time of Muhammad. They want to kill everybody and they do not care. The US government disappointed all of us when they could not kill these bastards after invading Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and Libya. Religion and violence go hand to hand (Christians did so many shit but they developed and do not do it now), the Muslims should do the same and reject these ideas.
As a Christian I feel ashamed when so-called Christians demonstrate in the streets against gay mariage.
But I feel even more ashamed when some Frenches mistake Islam and fundamentalism or when some political parties use that kind of tragedy to draw some frighten ignorants! Religion and violence don't go hand to hand. ALL religions are suppose to help people live peacefully together. Let's not forget they're the main basis of morality, still.
· 10 years ago
Religion "the main basis of morality"? Yeah, right.
@asteroid: "...the Muslims should do the same and reject these ideas." I'm not sure if you generalized on purpose or by accident, but "these ideas" aren't from the Muslim faith. "These ideas" are from crazy people who claim to be Muslim and take verses from the Qur'an and warp them to fit their crazy ideas. The fact that you're calling out on Saudi Arabia's ideologists being the main reason for the existence of Al-Qaeda makes me think you have vast knowledge on the subject, and I would kindly ask you to elaborate on your opinion (with which I do not agree). One last thing: you say religion and violence go hand in hand. I call out the contrary. In Islam, there are rules. Terrorists claiming to fight in the name of Allah, the Muslims do not accept them as Muslims, for they are breaking those rules. Islam is generally a peaceful religion. It is bad people who try to represent this religion that soils it's name. "You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion." (Kafiroon, 6)
Ok pokethebear, how about the mass graves of babies and toddlers in catholic "womens" homes in Ireland? That seems like something they might want to keep in check? Just because there not screaming it in the streets dosent mean they arnt enforcing their beliefs in horrific ways.
1- It depends on how you define Muslim faith, if you mean the Qur'an does not endorse violence, you are right but a religion is not defined only based on one book, the people inside that religion determine the ideologies of that particular religion not by thought or ideas but by their actions.
2- You do not agree with my opinion before I elaborate on it? So why should I explain it anymore when you rejected it in the first place.
3- When I say they go hand in hand, they do since religions which believe in one god more often that not will believe in only one path to reach that god or the truth and this will most certainly end in violence.
4- Regarding the verse you mentioned, (Muslims do not believe in that, they just don't) and another thing, two or three verses before that it says "I do not worship whatever you worship and you do not worship what I worship" but Muhammad worshiped Allah and the Mushrekin worshiped Allah too. What is the meaning of this verse, please?
I can't just let go of your second point. The following article is the source of what I mean and that it is completely true, check it out:
@guest and others. Religion goes hand to hand with violence. By only mentioning one flaw of a religion, its advocates will start throwing things at me. You think Christianity is better than other religions. Even the priests rape children, am I wrong? It does not even mean anything, it is not even a good fantasy. Avatar, the Last Air-bender has a better plot than all of Christianity. It is ridiculous. I can elaborate on this as much as you want. As well as Islam.
@Guest, are you saying there are dead Catholics in the mass graves?
@Asteroid what do you mean by different sects of Catholics? There are different Christian religions, of which one is Roman Catholicism.
I know. But at the time of crusades, where there any other sects?? I suppose there wasn't. So whatever the Christianity did, they were Catholics. And there are no different Christian religions. These are sects of the same religion. Just like Islam or any other religion.
There are several religions called "Christian" because they are all based on Jesus Christ, ie Methodists, Lutherans, Mennonites, etc. There is only one Roman Catholic Church, founded by St Peter after the ascension of Jesus Christ. So, no they are not sects of the same religion.
Read this please:
Hundreds of years of brutality, what the fuck are you talking about.
A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word Christós (Χριστός), a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term mashiach (from Wikipedia). If you believe in Jesus you are a Christian. There are sects in the religion not many religions.
May I ask a question: How old are you?
PS: I believe that Christianity is completely stupid and absurd as well as ridiculous. Considering it from a philosophical point of view it does not even have a sound structure or framework. It is a pile of garbage upon a pile of garbage.
Are you kidding? You throw out that insulting "this is shit that is shit" nonsense and expect me to remain engaged. How does my age come into play? The first sentence of the second paragraph in that Wikipedia link states that some believe that the crusades were fought as a defensive war against Islam. There are two other theories offered, which may be what you were trying to point out. Believers in the Catholic Church believe that it is the one true church established by Jesus Christ with St Peter as the "first pope". There have been offshoots and disagreements resulting in the formation of other religions (sects as you call them) that all fall under the blanket of Christianity.
So that is my point. You seem to be a devote Catholic. I didn't say sh*t, I said garbage. I didn't insult I downgraded. Because of this same reason, your age comes into play. I meant garbage and stupid when I said it. Really, I don't want to hate or anything, I am just telling you, it is super stupid, the trinity for example, I haven't seen so much blabbing to prove something unprovable in my life. It is totally ridiculous. Now it seems you can engage. There are three gods, but all are the same and one of them died when they are all gods and therefore should not die but this is an incarnation of the other one and the third one is just standing there. you see my point. That's more ridiculous than a children's fairy tale.
Here's a Wikipedia article that kinda gives an overview of it all. It's absolutely awful what happened... (I'm sure if you turn on any need station you can get the latest news about it all. It's all that's been being covered over the past few days, and for good reason too.)
I'm not trying to sound rude or insensitive however people so far have been debateing the justification of people judging the Muslim religion even if the people involved do not represent the majority of the religion and that if any other religion was to do so they would not be prosecuted in the same manner, however this is done due to the fact that the people that did this, did so for their religion, and for their Muslim beliefs. If let's say a Jewish person or Christian were to do the same it would be just as reported. But this is a religious based attack. Hence the anger towards Islam. So the attempt to throw in racial or religious discrimination is really unjustifiable.
Mass murder?
Surely you jest.
But I feel even more ashamed when some Frenches mistake Islam and fundamentalism or when some political parties use that kind of tragedy to draw some frighten ignorants! Religion and violence don't go hand to hand. ALL religions are suppose to help people live peacefully together. Let's not forget they're the main basis of morality, still.
2- You do not agree with my opinion before I elaborate on it? So why should I explain it anymore when you rejected it in the first place.
3- When I say they go hand in hand, they do since religions which believe in one god more often that not will believe in only one path to reach that god or the truth and this will most certainly end in violence.
4- Regarding the verse you mentioned, (Muslims do not believe in that, they just don't) and another thing, two or three verses before that it says "I do not worship whatever you worship and you do not worship what I worship" but Muhammad worshiped Allah and the Mushrekin worshiped Allah too. What is the meaning of this verse, please?
@Asteroid what do you mean by different sects of Catholics? There are different Christian religions, of which one is Roman Catholicism.
Hundreds of years of brutality, what the fuck are you talking about.
A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word Christós (Χριστός), a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term mashiach (from Wikipedia). If you believe in Jesus you are a Christian. There are sects in the religion not many religions.
May I ask a question: How old are you?
PS: I believe that Christianity is completely stupid and absurd as well as ridiculous. Considering it from a philosophical point of view it does not even have a sound structure or framework. It is a pile of garbage upon a pile of garbage.
Here's a Wikipedia article that kinda gives an overview of it all. It's absolutely awful what happened... (I'm sure if you turn on any need station you can get the latest news about it all. It's all that's been being covered over the past few days, and for good reason too.)