Some of my friends purposefully cough really loud when they're walking by a smoker and then look at them so they feel bad. Its so annoying though omg thats none of your business you don't own the sidewalk, let them smoke!
I don't like people smoking out in the open because then I smell it, it gets in my lungs and because of that I can get sick. Yes, it is their decision, but I don't want to be breathing it.
I get bothered I don't mean to be annoying but I get really really sick. If I'm close to a person who is smoking, next day guaranteed I have flu like symptoms. So I'll be one of the ones grunting and rolling my eyes....because I don't want to get sick. If I can move tho, I do. I have asked to be moved in restaurants. What I think they shouldn't do is to do it when they are right next to kids
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
As a moderate smoker (three cigs a day on average), I'm really mad at all these attempts at making smokers feel like shit. Especially since I live in France, the country of wine, and there are never such things for alcohol, one of the hardest drugs (and the most lethal).
I honestly don't care if someone smokes, what I do care about is the fact that they don't think about who's in their surroundings. This made me so angry, one day, me, my husband and our son were walking home and this car passes by with 3 kids inside with the guy smoking... With the windows rolled up! My thought was just pure anger over that