For freedom of speech... Half of these people, AT THE VERY LEAST, try to condemn freedom of speech in every way possible. Manuel Valls, prime minister of France, has already submitted another Internet control law, surfing on the wave like the USA did in 2001 with the Patriot Act.
I do believe that this is an incredible act of international cooperation and togetherness but considering the circumstances...having a rally of over 3million people with 40+ world leaders on the streets of a city rocked by two attacks in a single day is just ill advised.
Actually, no, they weren't on the rally. That photo was taken in a secondary street, apart from the march. They are fuckeing posers ( sorry I'm on my phone, but look up source)
One of the government officials is responsible for thousands of INNOCENT CHILDREN DYING in Syria and Palestine. So before you start applauding for him supporting white people deaths, think about the thousands who don't have parents or homes or safety.