The worst part has to be when you know exactly how to solve the problem at hand but everybody keeps talking over you so much that you just give up on trying to help.
I cant like this little section of comments enough. Feeling ignored by everyone sucks.
· 10 years ago
I'm only slightly introverted. I can easily talk to people, but I have one friend in particular who will always talk over me. And if I try to talk over him, he keeps talking. No wonder he gets a lot of things wrong :/
Anyway, in public I have a very hard time talking to strangers, especially people working in shops. I do really enjoy my own company, but not all the time.
I'm half and half. Around certain people and in shops and round town I won't talk, to like anybody. But when I'm round people I'm absolutely comfortable with no one can get me to shut up.
I was quiet as a kid, but now because I was shy, because I was watching. O_O. I loved mentally absorbing the world and people. But as I gathered enough information about my surroundings I decided I wanted to change my own life, thus I became a punk teenager.
I am shy. By shy I mean I have nobody to talk to. I mean I eat alone sometimes at lunch, the other times is eating with my friend that is equally as shy as me. I don't participate because I am shy. I don't go out, or even shop without feeling anxiety.
What I absolutly hate is when talkative people call themselves shy.
Anyway, in public I have a very hard time talking to strangers, especially people working in shops. I do really enjoy my own company, but not all the time.
What I absolutly hate is when talkative people call themselves shy.