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· 10 years ago
And finally it bothers me that you always worry about bothering me. I have to reaffirm you're not bothering me over and over again, and in the end that's the only thing that bothers me. I can't always be the person who satisfies your insatiable demand for self-affirmation. I like you as a person and at some point I'd like you to accept that, even if you're insecure in general. We hung out several times now. Voluntarily. So there has to be something I like about you. (Clue: It's not the insecurity.) Please start thinking about that. Love, a non-native speaker
· 10 years ago
I've always found it mildly insulting when my friends assume they're bothering me. Like, it doesn't say much about the type of person they must think I am if they constantly assume I'm always pity-texting them or something
· 8 years ago
@thorspoptarts2 my thought process in every conversation
Edited 8 years ago