That's how I lost my best friend. My car died and I couldn't walk to the movie theater to see Star Wars Ep1. Asked for weeks if my friends would just drop me off. Even offered gas money. All said no. Then the mid-night party release- they all went. I was numb for days then stopped speaking to nearly all of them. Haven't talked to my former best friend of 7 years since, except to tell her I'm not hanging out with her any more.
My entire class is getting together in a couple of days and I'm the only one not invited. It's okay though because none of them except me is wanted in the senior class next year.
My friends are going to Australia :) - guess who's not! :P
· 10 years ago
>get first boyfriend sophomore year of hs
>when we break up my friends laugh at me
>best friend tells me it's because they had put bets on when we would break up
>they all get mad at her for telling me
>for some reason their anger turns towards me in stead ???
>none of them have talked to me in 2 months
>now super close friends with ex boyfriend
>i don't need any of them because their negativity is unnecessary
Moral here: you don't need anyone who doesn't need you
Basically my childhood. I didn't have the friends I have now. Basically I had (still have, for the most part) really unsupportive, very advantageous, quite back-stabby-and-then-knife-twisty kind of friends. The type who would leave me alone with her little sisters at a mall while our parents shopped so she could be cool by hanging out with the older girls. The kind that got into a fight every week and caused tears every night. Basically the "we've been friends all our lives, we know nothing else, might as well just stick it through" kind of friends. And I mean the friends I have now aren't perfect either, but nobody is. That's why I'm still friends with most of my old friends.
>when we break up my friends laugh at me
>best friend tells me it's because they had put bets on when we would break up
>they all get mad at her for telling me
>for some reason their anger turns towards me in stead ???
>none of them have talked to me in 2 months
>now super close friends with ex boyfriend
>i don't need any of them because their negativity is unnecessary
Moral here: you don't need anyone who doesn't need you