Another go's, jack and jill went up the hill so jack could lick jills fanny, but poor jacks gob was full of knob cuz jills a fucking tranny
· 10 years ago
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
Smoking marijuana,
Jack got high, pulled down his fly,
And asked Jill if she wanna,
Jill said yes, pulled up her dress,
And had a little fun,
But stupid Jill forgot the pill,
And now they have a son.
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water,
but Jack fell down and broke his fucking head open and
Jill cried all the way to the hospital, begging Jack to wake up. But all of the hospital's doctors and nurses couldn't hope to put Jack back together again. Jill was now all alone, her only brother dead, and her parents long gone. Jill soon came tumbling after Jack, and nobody came to the funeral.
Smoking marijuana,
Jack got high, pulled down his fly,
And asked Jill if she wanna,
Jill said yes, pulled up her dress,
And had a little fun,
But stupid Jill forgot the pill,
And now they have a son.
Don't ask where I heard that.
but Jack fell down and broke his fucking head open and
Jill cried all the way to the hospital, begging Jack to wake up. But all of the hospital's doctors and nurses couldn't hope to put Jack back together again. Jill was now all alone, her only brother dead, and her parents long gone. Jill soon came tumbling after Jack, and nobody came to the funeral.