a flaming lego cactus covered in flaming chilli sauce wrapped in barbed wire?
· 10 years ago
Oh, God, this is going to go on forever, isn't it?
Side note: a flaming Lego cactus covered in flaming chilli sauce wrapped in barbed wire and dipped in sulfuric acid?
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Aimed for the testicles.
· 10 years ago
A flaming lego cactus coverd in flaming chili sauce wrapped in barbed wire which was dipped sulfuric acid which is aimed for the testicles that has speakers and is playing justin beiber on reply?
Once I was on bus with my friend and we were talking about chemistry. I don't remember what exactly were we talking about, but we were arguing over some chemistry thing. After cca 2 minutes of our argument some stranger came to us and told us ,,Sorry, to interrupt you, but i heard what you were talking about and I studied chemie. So if you don't mind, I could tell you how it actually is.'' And then he explained to us. It was awesome!
Once I was sitting on a bench and two ditsy girls were next to me and one of them said "I think the Jews should just get over it already." And the other one said "yeah the holocaust was like three hundred years ago" and I'm sad because they probably graduated and have jobs and no one but me heard what they said.
Side note: a flaming Lego cactus covered in flaming chilli sauce wrapped in barbed wire and dipped in sulfuric acid?