I had the same fear too. When it happened for the first time, I was so worried about what I was doing I didn't just enjoy the awkwardness (plus the guy just forced it and I didn't like him either). Moral of the story is make sure you like the person and you enjoy it for what it is
My first kiss was awful. He didn't know what to do at all. He used way too much toungue (never use toungue when you kiss someone for the first time. Never.) and really messed up. We have been together for a year now. What I'm trying to say, if she (or he) really likes you, she's not going to care if your first kiss is bad. It will just turn into a funny story, and you will eventually learn how kiss properly. Everybody has to learn it at some point, so just go with your instinct, and it will be fine ;)
Not mine either. Native speakers tend to make more mistakes.
Anyway yes, there are no law of physics forcing people to shove their organs into other people's orifices during first contact. Take it easy, keep it cute and comfy, it's not porn, not a contest.
-a 16 year old girl
Anyway yes, there are no law of physics forcing people to shove their organs into other people's orifices during first contact. Take it easy, keep it cute and comfy, it's not porn, not a contest.