Both target shooting and hunting are normal in the us too. Can't say for other countries becaue I don't know, but I assume it's cool there too. Why would it be considered wrong? Guns are only dangerous if the user isn't trained or has terrible intentions (which I pray none of us have XD), so what's the big deal?
My hero hahah
I am fourteen and I shoot, I know how to safely and correctly shoot a rifle, pistol, bow, crossbow and others :) I also hunt. C'mon, I mean, deer .. 100% free range, all natural, lean meat! Not processed like crap we usually eat.
I am fourteen and I shoot, I know how to safely and correctly shoot a rifle, pistol, bow, crossbow and others :) I also hunt. C'mon, I mean, deer .. 100% free range, all natural, lean meat! Not processed like crap we usually eat.