why do girls wear bras. i mean it sounds a bit cheesy to ask but i really want to know? for their own satisfaction and for looking pretty? or they do it because everyone does it? or is it the guy demand thing ( because i would be totally okay with a girl who doesn't wear bra ) because a human ease is more important to me than a beauty rule set by society.
you did not ask us that. but honestly, to me it makes me feel more confident and it keep my boobs stay still, not popping around, up side down or stuff like that, specially girls with big boobs.
And btw you're really curious and honest, I like that.
hmmm... but is it really difficult for you and painful as it is shown in these set of images?
and i appreciate your compliment :) . [Aliens want to know ;) :D]
And btw you're really curious and honest, I like that.
and i appreciate your compliment :) . [Aliens want to know ;) :D]