Well if this kid was bullying me, I wasn't gonna ignore him as the teacher said. It wasn't just the paper. It was always. So pardon me, but I kicked ass.
well, I've been to a lot of fight, it's nothing special at all, they bully you, say bad thing about your parents, other kids just let go but not me, I cant let anyone say bad things about my parents, so I punch them, or slap them, whatever it take to shut up their mouth.
nah, I did fight much at kindergarten, teachers loved me and the other kids were already scared me, no need to fight. all the crazy stuff happened when I was in primary and lower high school, I'm grade 12 now, I'm still in a fight sometime but not as many as I used to be.
· 10 years ago
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Once in elementary school, a grasshopper died during recess, so a bunch of kids wanted to have a funeral for it and asked me to write a eulogy. The next day they had a funeral and read the eulogy and everything...
Once my best friend and I got scolded from the teacher. (It was back in kindergarten) We thought we would die because she had said that she was gonna call our parents. And we were planning our funeral, like what color we would want our coffins to be. (BTW, I chose mint green)we both wanted to drift away in the ocean a brightly colored coffin, never to be found again.