Just because a country is smaller does not mean it does not have its own problems and complexities. Instead of automaticly assuming this example is invalid, maybe you could look at the way Iceland deals with crime and ask yourself what you can learn. How do they train their police and how do they deal with gun regulation? You can always learn from other people and their way of life. Divided we are weak, united we are strong.
His point wasn't that just because they are smaller they have no issues ever. It was that to compare "apples to apples" you need similar sample sizes. If you had one area with 100,000 people and 1 shooting every day, you couldn't just automatically say well this area with 100 people only has 1 shooting every year, thats not nearly as often so they must be doing something right and the first area should copy them.
You can also think about it like teachers in a classroom. If you have a really small classroom and the teacher only has 10 kids, they are going to be able to watch and work with them a lot more. The same can't be said for the teacher that has over 100 kids, so trying to make the 2nd teacher "learn" from the first teacher's example isn't going to do a hell of a lot for them since they'll never be able to put those kind of ideas into practice in their own classroom.
It's not just about numbers, but cultures and prejudices too.
America is a melting pot where many cultures meet, and more backgrounds leads to more conflict.
That's what I was trying to say.
And really, the number of people does matter. It's a lot harder to get into a fight when there's less than two people withen a mile of you.
Okay, clearly both of you completely missed the point I was trying to make. You don't have automaticly disregard this as something you can learn from, or use an example, just because Iceland is smaller in size. While Iceland does not have as my different cultural groups as the US, it does deal with problems and tensions regarding different groups in certain ways. And clearly they are doing something right. So, like I said before, instead of seeing this example as irrerelevant you could also do some more research about this country and see what you can learn. And one last thing; Downvote does not mean disagree, it means does not contribute to the conversation.
As an example issues in Iceland when their national bank collapsed; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008%E2%80%9311_Icelandic_financial_crisis
· 10 years ago
That's because everyone is too cold to commit crimes
us has 320,000,000 ppl
America is a melting pot where many cultures meet, and more backgrounds leads to more conflict.
That's what I was trying to say.
And really, the number of people does matter. It's a lot harder to get into a fight when there's less than two people withen a mile of you.
As an example issues in Iceland when their national bank collapsed; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008%E2%80%9311_Icelandic_financial_crisis