I don't know if you noticed, but everytime you complain about dislikes, you tend to get even more.
It seems rather needy. For upvotes. On a site full of strangers.
I disagree. Humans aren't that primitive. We're not "meat bags with limbs," we're all unique - each of us have our own thoughts and feelings. In the same way, music cannot be summed up to "sounds in your ear," because it can deliver much more than that: a thought, a feeling, sometimes an action.
That being said, there is merit in catchy music. Not everybody has the patience or even the knowledge to appreciate the most complex melodies or time signatures, which is okay, because nobody expects me to take the time to learn all the intricacies of the Mona lisa simply because that's not the type of art that interests me.
I have friends that live for rap when I like showtunes and pop. We get along though, we just listen to our own music or switch if we're listening together.
The person is more than the music they listen to.
I'm sorry guys, but when you come down to it, scientifically all music is, is vibrations. It's your own personal feelings and emotions that dig deeper into the words and find a meaning- but those words, that meaning, while still very real, still just come from vibrations in your ear. That's not to say that you're interpretation is wrong, it's just to say that not everybody will interpret those vibrations the same. To some, what you may find beautiful and empowering may seem too dark and disheartening. What you may find too cheesy and upbeat others may find encouraging and relaxing. Let people listen to what they want to listen to. We're all listening to the same vibrations, it's how YOU interpret the vibrations that change the way you hear it, and we need to remember and accept that we can't transfer that interpretation to eachover.
Scientifically, you're just an evolved ape. Just as scientifically, everything we see is just our minds perception of light reflected off objects. Books are just a combination of letters strung together. But yeah, I agree, its the person's perception that matters most.
yikes. Don't care for either of their music tbh, but I'd have to go for 1D
· 10 years ago
I'm definitely 1D
· 10 years ago
To some people music isn't so "trivial" I'm not saying there's a wrong kind of music but I don't associate with people who don't enjoy my taste in music
So you would shut out an awesome, kind, wonderful, amazing person and not associate with them because they liked different sounds in their ears? Sounds dumb when you say it like that.
but to give up someone just because they like different vibrations (which, when we break through all the personal emotions and morals, is all music scientifically is). I don't think you'd have to worry about not associating with certain people, because they won't want to associate with somebody who would drop them so quickly as a friend.
Maybe some people feel that there is no meaning in those bands lyrics and feel that they are shallow and basically ju st hyped up noise. but the fact remains , music snobbery is pretty harsh
They're not quite the same though. In boy bands, they focus primarily on the singing. Each member is usually an attractive singer. Whereas a band has members, each having a specific skill set, and each skill set coming into play. And what makes it even better is that their music isn't primarily computer generated, they sound just as good live as they do on CD. And tbh, I think its really silly breaking down music into "just sounds". True, music "superiority" is annoying, but music can mean a lot to a person, it stimulates the mind, causes a chemical reaction and for certain people, it makes them feel a lot better. Bands tend to make music that their fands really connect to, it makes them feel not so alone, it can make a bad day feel a lot better. So when band-fans get protective, its because they feel like their souls are linked with their band, there's always a connection as opposed to 13 year olds who adore JB because he's "soooooooo cute".
Well tbh guest, not to sound full of myself, but I think myself as quite a clever person, and I am obsessed with 1D. So please, take your irrelevant opinion, and yourself, away from here.
It seems rather needy. For upvotes. On a site full of strangers.
But if they shall dislike me, then they at least can do it properly xD
Huh, you learn something new everyday.
That being said, there is merit in catchy music. Not everybody has the patience or even the knowledge to appreciate the most complex melodies or time signatures, which is okay, because nobody expects me to take the time to learn all the intricacies of the Mona lisa simply because that's not the type of art that interests me.
The person is more than the music they listen to.