639.3/100,000 fell victim to violent crime in NYC in 2014. Population of NYC is 8,400,000. According to this article, http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_New_York_City. While I understand Wikipedia is not the best source to cite it was the most readily available. 1/156.5 people were victimized. The rate of property crime is even ghastlier.
Dude you DO NOT understand what a high crime rate is. The population of NYC is 25m, according to a geograpy BOOK. Even if it were 1 out of 156 people it really is not that bad, I do not know why you're paranoid, you don't understand crime, you don't know how it feels. Crime in NYC is simply not high. NYC is safe.
"I am a target because I'm white"
There is so much wrong with that statement. New York is not a safe little Mayberry. Granted, it isn't as bad as Detroit, St. Louis or Oakland, but the national bird of the 5 Boroughs is a flying bullet. You can usually tell the time by how many of the dead litter the streets.
Now you're exaggerating a little, both of you. H- I understand there were 328 murders in NYC in 2014, not exactly bodies littering the street. Firearms are almost completely outlawed in NYC. V- The entire internet rails on the US for being violent, sounds like wherever you are is way worse. What country is it?
Vlekkie, you do not live in S.A. You do not make the same spelling and grammar mistakes that someone from there would make, and I would know, as I went to college with Afrikaners. Don't be a jerk, and show a bit of integrity.
I guess that NYC is dangerous, but apparently not as dangerous as some other cities. Living in or near a dangerous city is an apparent caché of kool to some people. :)
No, I think it is a shithole and I am ashamed that it is part of my state. I want it severed and let it stand alone. If you put too many rats in one barell they will eventually destroy one another, humans are not much better. It disgusts me that governance put in place to control those masses are the same rules that we must be subject to 400 miles away.
Vlekkie, Jy is dom as jy dink Google Translate gaan jou boude te beskerm, jy sak kak lê.
...And *I* don't have to use Google Translate. Anyhoo, Bear makes a valid point. Done and done. Vlekkie, don't ever try that again, leugenaar.
Ek dink dit is die deel waar ek jou vertel om te gaan koop 'n idee, vind 'n stil hoek van die kamer om alleen te wees en gaan skiet jouself. Vlekkie, you are such a lying little weasel.
There is so much wrong with that statement. New York is not a safe little Mayberry. Granted, it isn't as bad as Detroit, St. Louis or Oakland, but the national bird of the 5 Boroughs is a flying bullet. You can usually tell the time by how many of the dead litter the streets.
...And *I* don't have to use Google Translate. Anyhoo, Bear makes a valid point. Done and done. Vlekkie, don't ever try that again, leugenaar.