I've not once listened to it of my own volition. It is unavoidable, however. As an artist writes a successful song, that song will be played many times in many places. It is not of my choice that I am subjected to music of the current era. I have no problem with people writing about whatever they want, but I also reserve my right as an adult as well, to be annoyed by such things forced upon me.
"Forced" upon you. There's a difference between hearing something and listening to something. Its easy to hear a song that's being played, but it takes a conscious decision to listen to it.
And I love Taylor Swift, sure her methods for writing songs may be questionable, but at least she sings about things that actually have meaning to her as opposed to songs about butts and meaningless sex.
Goddamnit, you're fucking popping up everywhere deadpool. I get that you're widely liked on this site, and rightly so. You're funny, charismatic, and highly skilled at making people like you. But really, many times in which I voice a controversial opinion I have (and yes, I admit they're only my opinions) you've showed up to take the side that people will obviously be more willing to support. I don't suspect you of planning this out intentionally for the purpose of garnering likes, but I would appreciate it if you'd just let it go once in a while. Even more antagonizing than the fact that this is a discussion not involving you is that my aggravation with hearing music I don't like in public places is a perfectly valid sentiment.
And of course there is the obvious fact that I am posting these opinions in a public place for scrutiny of my own free will, and that all possess the right to have their own opinions about what I say, but don't look at this as a necessity for you to defend an artist you hold dear. I may not like her methods for writing music, or the music in general, I am simply annoyed by certain aspects of popular culture, and on occasions of personal weakness, I voice these complaints. You may think I’m being overly dramatic, and blowing this out of proportion, but please, I ask this once that you let me have my opinion in peace. I don’t come here to argue, and the constant criticism to my comments does begin to wear me thin.
Wait, there are popular people on this site? lol
When your life amounts to being popular on FS, you know you've hit rock bottom. Honestly, the both of you need to calm down. It's just a social site, we're not arguing in a courtroom in front of a judge. This isn't a major issue like global warming etc, put things into perspective. Whether you like Taylor Swift or not, it doesn't matter.
She hasn't had "thousands" of boyfriends. And what does it matter? Some people go through more partners than she did (which was only 5 or 6 over a course of a few years) in a month! Why is that your business anyway? Other side of her shown by social media is fake. She's a human. So what if she writes about her exes? SO DOES EVERY OTHER ARTIST OUT THERE. Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, name anyone. I garuntee they have a song written about their exes. If you dont like her music, fine. But some people do. I do. And I don't go around trashing your favorite artists. Music is music and people are people. Her methods for writing songs are the same as any artist. She writes her feelings. And you can't hate someone for writing their feelings. It's a human rights to express yourself. Find an LEGITAMENT reason to hate her. Having "thousands" of boyfriends doesnt take away from a person's value.
I think the reason most people hate on her is because she ONLY writes about her exes. To be honest, I used to listen to her and then start to hate her for that reason too, but then I grew the fuck up and realized that it doesn't really matter because I don't have to listen to her.
On the contrary, the thing is, its mainly her songs about her exes that get really popular. Lots of her songs have nothing to do with her exes at all, they're either just love songs or songs to make you feel better about yourself. I too thought she was shallow and didn't like her popular music, until I got the rest of her music. Now I have every single one of her songs.
And I love Taylor Swift, sure her methods for writing songs may be questionable, but at least she sings about things that actually have meaning to her as opposed to songs about butts and meaningless sex.
When your life amounts to being popular on FS, you know you've hit rock bottom. Honestly, the both of you need to calm down. It's just a social site, we're not arguing in a courtroom in front of a judge. This isn't a major issue like global warming etc, put things into perspective. Whether you like Taylor Swift or not, it doesn't matter.
I will never listen to another one of her songs again