3. Is somewhat true but I guess zombies are portrayed in shows as not having formal clothes on because once a zombie apocalypse starts, people that aren't dead yet get bitten and are not wearing formal clothes WHEN they get bitten. Know what I'm sayin?
· 10 years ago
Well Bill Gates did make a machine that transforms human poop into drinkable water... So yeh...
· 10 years ago
For the dream one it would be awesome if they didn't know you were controlling it like you start a dream about your crush and then they come and you kiss them and tell you how you feel and they will just think it's a dream! Ah if only
If you've read Sandman, you'd know that if multiple people are sharing a dream, that means that the walls between dreams are falling down and it's only a matter of time before all inhabitants of your world are left hopelessly, incurably insane.