It was at the time when they were trying to figure out the total of kilometers between the earth's crust and the center. They stopped at 12 because their shovels started melting so they freaked out, they litterally thought they had arrived in hell and that it was a matter of time before they met the devil.
Now don't take this wrong, I'm not at all disagreeing with you, I just find it funny that a nation that imposed state atheism called off the digging due to religious circumstances
Ok, so #2, supposing it were physically possible, it would take that amount of time to go through a hole of that distance. While falling.
And #7, "like Earth" usually means similarly sized planets (.8-3 "earths" sized. I don't remember the actual...size requirements), that exist within habitable distance of the sun, and are made of similar materials.
...if I remember right.
· 10 years ago
I think #2 is wrong cause as our dear guest implied, differences in gravity have not been taken into account while making the calculations
In #7 i think it means habitable planets
And #7, "like Earth" usually means similarly sized planets (.8-3 "earths" sized. I don't remember the actual...size requirements), that exist within habitable distance of the sun, and are made of similar materials.
...if I remember right.
In #7 i think it means habitable planets