Eye dunno, but I reckon if we banded together as fellow pupils of the school of puns we could see a different side of this issue.
· 10 years ago
Yes, it would be awful to TEAR us apart
· 10 years ago
Now children, this is very eye-ronic. You say you're in the school of puns, but you aren't nearly making enough puns. MAKE MORE! Your essay is due in 10 minutes
EYE'll have you know EYE made three. EYE only meant to say that EYE'm really trying very hard to LOOK at the assEYEnment from a different point of VIEW, in fact, if we could get rEYEght to the centre of the issue, Tear-cher, what's your VISION for this task? I'm feeling rather BLIND as to the end goal of this work!
*passes out from the puns*
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
You dare challenge the Pun Lord?
I am a VISIONary! I was the greatest PUPIL of Professor E. Ye, renowned EYEcthyologist! I will mount your head on a PEYEKE, you scrambling plebeian! And I'll make sure you get no peasants for Chreyestmas!
(yes I went off topic)
(I'll have you know I was waging a non-stop pun war for all of a 75-minute period today at school)
(the final result was a draw)
Well how could I hope to compete with that... Screw it I'm gonna try.
Or you could say EYE'm hoping to look at this through a different
LENSE, or FRAME of mind, you could say.
Relating back to the original POST, the deFENCE (get it, get it, fence post? *snickers to self*) I would mount would be that LASHing out at a PULPIL of the puns like MEYESELF, it must have been a BLINK-and-you'll-miss-it-desicion, MorellEYE. (I went there) After all, you wouldn't want to BROWbeat a new contender to the world of puns, would you? After all this competEYEtion could be over in a the blink-of-an-eye if that were the case- and though I'd rather turn the other CHEEK, who NOSE if I could FACE backing down from such a riling- or should I say, REYELING, challenge.
· 10 years ago
You know what kids? EYE-m too TEAR-ed to SEE this through the end. Let's just do math now, just FOUR me. Or is that TWO challenging? If this isn't a SIX-ess, I'll CONTACT the principal! Would he like to hear how my PUPILS aren't able to SEE straight? Now pay a-TEN-tion, you little PUN-ks!
*passes out from the puns*
I am a VISIONary! I was the greatest PUPIL of Professor E. Ye, renowned EYEcthyologist! I will mount your head on a PEYEKE, you scrambling plebeian! And I'll make sure you get no peasants for Chreyestmas!
(yes I went off topic)
(I'll have you know I was waging a non-stop pun war for all of a 75-minute period today at school)
(the final result was a draw)
Or you could say EYE'm hoping to look at this through a different
LENSE, or FRAME of mind, you could say.
Relating back to the original POST, the deFENCE (get it, get it, fence post? *snickers to self*) I would mount would be that LASHing out at a PULPIL of the puns like MEYESELF, it must have been a BLINK-and-you'll-miss-it-desicion, MorellEYE. (I went there) After all, you wouldn't want to BROWbeat a new contender to the world of puns, would you? After all this competEYEtion could be over in a the blink-of-an-eye if that were the case- and though I'd rather turn the other CHEEK, who NOSE if I could FACE backing down from such a riling- or should I say, REYELING, challenge.