Suspect a GOP hater made this. You can make numbers do almost anything. Idiots from both sides rarely look at FACTS:
Median income: Wisconsin $47,220 Minnesota $47,500
Lowest income tax rate: Wisconsin 4.6% Minnesota 5.35%
Sales tax rate: Wisconsin 5.0%. Minnesota 6.875%
Poverty rate: Wisconsin 11.1%. Minnesota 11.1%
See how good I made Wisconsin? Smoke and Mirrors folks - don't be fooled by the political antics of any party.....
Really?!?! Perhaps you should do some research. If you define "screwing" as allowing teachers to make their own CHOICE regarding joining the WEAC Union, then you don't know the definition of the word "screwing". A union, I might add, where the top 7 "leaders" make well over 200k per year. A union where a very high percentage of teachers have made a CHOICE (there's that pesky word again that pro-Union activists hate) NOT to join or re-join the WEAC.
I've got nothing against teachers and I take great pride in the ability presented to teachers in Wisconsin, but the fact of money in schools being re routed and shutting down entire departments within schools is not okay. Not running classes and firing teachers or as my local district calls it "thinning out" staff is unacceptable and I feel that not being able to take classes that I can apply to my aspiring professional counts as being screwed.
One thing the employees forget is that if you give money to school & make good schools PEOPLE WILL MOVE THERE and create jobs. My brother is looking to buy a house and the FIRST thing he does is look at the school. If the school isn't good, he doesn't even consider the area. I know quite a few people like that. Not a good school- they don't move to the area. So no workers or job growth people. Area dies.
Median income: Wisconsin $47,220 Minnesota $47,500
Lowest income tax rate: Wisconsin 4.6% Minnesota 5.35%
Sales tax rate: Wisconsin 5.0%. Minnesota 6.875%
Poverty rate: Wisconsin 11.1%. Minnesota 11.1%
See how good I made Wisconsin? Smoke and Mirrors folks - don't be fooled by the political antics of any party.....