It should be fine both ways. I'm not saying that "everyone is beautiful " bullshit. I'm just saying everyone should be left alone, period. Let them be their own person and live their own life. I hate the whole "real women have curves" and stuff like that. I think real women are just anyone with a vagina. That's what makes you a woman. (And XX chromosomes)
Personally, I have my own views, and I'm not going to state them because I already know somebody will throw a fit. I was already half expecting someone to bring it up. It depends on your own personal opinions and I'm going to keep mine out of it.
That's called Klinefelter Syndrome and technically speaking it makes them a male. Granted, sometimes they have female traits or characteristics, but they are biologically a male.
If you have a Y,regardless of how many X you have, you are male. End of fucking story. Get off of tumblr and read a fucking biology book. Seriously take your head out of your asshole and go buy a brain, you ignorant waste of oxygen.
Ns is right, regardless of whether he (she?)came across rude or not. Google it if you're curious. Klinefelter's syndrome is a chromosome mess up in a male.
At this point I don't even know what feminism is anymore. I thought it was about women being equal to men in workplace, social, and the like; not bashing other people's views in the subject, nor bashing the same sex on what should be and what is. So far I only see this problem in America rather than countries actually needing this movement like Saudi Arabia...
im so done with this sight and its misrepresentation of feminism, womanising and backslapping morons that high five when you use the word feminazi. For anyone that think this is feminism, do some research. For all the dudes shoving this shit everywhere, feminism....real feminism is here to stay and if you want to have successful relationships be it friends or other with women you should get your attitudes in check cause any woman whose worth a damn if a feminist whether they call themselves that or not.
So skinny is the only thing that can be pretty? I don't think feminism is trying to tell girls they can't be pretty, feminism is saying that ALL girls are pretty, regardless of their weight. And the fact that this girl thinks skinny is the only thing that can ever be pretty is the exact reason we need feminism.
Girl look at your legs, that's far away from healthy and so far away from pretty, please treat your body right, anorexia nervosa is a mental illness, too. Insulting other women won't make anything better and won't make you a better person either.
· 10 years ago
Excuse you, Guest, but my legs are like that as well, and I don't have an eating disorder. Some people's metabolism is simply faster than others, plus they might actually work out to get a body like that.
She does not look anorexic at all...she is think maybe skinny (I say maybe cuz I only see her thighs) I am one of those kinda thick short girl that wishes to look like a VS model...but still find it ridiculous when people criticize everything from big to skinny. I just find it however a bad thing when is a health problem...either extreme.
Guest thinks that McDonalds counts as genetic obesity.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Yes, I am hating, but it looks to me like she has a muffin top. I would not have said that (and probably wouldn't have noticed it) if she wasn't trying to draw attention to her "prettiness".
'Overly liberal kid gets destroyed by basic science.'