Here's a list of things I hate:
LGBTQ people
Straight people
Other personal identities
Blacks, Whites, Asians, natives, etc.
Religious people
Irreligious people
Other gender identities
I think that should cover it.
Excuse I identify as a green walmart gift card and you did not include me on the list, you are therefore oppressed and that triggers me because my great great uncle twice removed was oppressed and he's dead. I'm for hurting my emotional state. See you in court asshole.
I believe you were included in "other personal identities" that was put up to make absolutely sure I included everyone who has the capability of being offended.
Excuse me? Are you implying that jus because I'm a green walmart gift card I am not equal to you? Excuse meh!?!? I'll have you know my parents are extremely rich and I do little to no work to deserve that money but I am very spoiled so I can sue you until you're dirt poor!
· 9 years ago
*shoots you in the face*
Oops, you triggered the gun again
LGBTQ people
Straight people
Other personal identities
Blacks, Whites, Asians, natives, etc.
Religious people
Irreligious people
Other gender identities
I think that should cover it.
Well, that triggered this gun, didn't it?
Oops, you triggered the gun again
Humans suck