I was really disappointed with TFIOS so I'm not so sure about Paper Towns :/
I'll watch it but I'm not going to pay to see it at the movies, I'll just wait till its out on Netflix or iTunes ot something
Yeah of course. I think because the book was almost like Hazel's diary in a way, it was hard to transfer that over to film. In the book a great deal of it is spent describing how Hazel feels and her fears for the future etc. So obviously it was hard for the writers and producers to portray that on screen without having Hazel narrate the whole movie. I just feel like a lot of Hazel's emotions and worries weren't included simply because there wasn't a way to transfer them from book to film. (I was also a bit disappointed with the Gus dying scene, that could have been a bit more dramatic and emotional in my opinion.)
But Paper Towns is written very definitely and it is more about the story rather than just the feelings so it should be better
How the fuck does a person make town out of paper... and then make a movie out of it. Fuck this shit i'm waiting for the Age of Ultron and Jurrasic World
· 10 years ago
'Paper town' doesn't mean a town made out of paper
I'll watch it but I'm not going to pay to see it at the movies, I'll just wait till its out on Netflix or iTunes ot something
But Paper Towns is written very definitely and it is more about the story rather than just the feelings so it should be better