That's because most of the time all his ideas, thought processes and plans of making said inventions never made it to paper. He liked keeping them all in his head and he never wrote it down. He was just that type of person who didn't need to write stuff down to remember or build things. But yes, it still poses a good question.
I hear they just didn't let it happen, that it would have been bad for the economy. Don't ask me how this makes sense, because this is just what I heard (in short)
· 10 years ago
The tech for electric cara has been around from the 1950s, if I remember correctly, however oil and gas companies paid certain people to make sure no cars were made with the technology, so that they wouldn't go bankrupt
it isn't free energy... he was trying to use the magnetic field of the earth to give everyone on earth free transportation of energy. the energy would still have to be created and most of it lost in transportation. this is why the backers scraped the idea
The problem is that Tesla is credited with a lot of fantastic ideas as if he actually made them, when most of them were more along the lines of "wouldn't if be cool if physics would let me do this thing?" Don't get me wrong, he did contribute a whole lot to science, but his reputation is a bit larger than his work actually was.
· 10 years ago
Tesla is the real MVP. Without him, we probably wouldn't have the internet or FS.
Are you stupid? There are people continuing his work today. They've made huge Tesla coils and are trying to get permission to make one 5x as big so they can see if Tesla was really on to something or not