I'm not saying any race is better, but I appreciate this. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates people who think they get special treatment. Not saying all blacks are like this though.
After a while, the stereotypical "black" mindset gets tiring. Not all African Americans are this way, but the ones that are are annoying.
· 10 years ago
Glad that the hypocrites are being pointed out. Every minority has those people who think they should get special treatment or think the world is out to get them just because they're part of a minority group.
Yeah, right, most people here don't have anything against blacks, no, its just the "thugs"and all that black racism, when actually the problem is, they get scared shitless, when they see a black person who is not wearing a service uniform. Are these ghetto stereotypes annoying like hell? Absofuckenlutely. But guess what: most annoying "special" minority behaviour is caused by the majority behaviour towards them in the beginning. Treat people like scum long enough, that's what a significant lot (still a minority within the minority) of them will turn into. There is a collective perception of things, and all over the usa it can clearly be seen, that the average white person is a lot better off than the average black person. Clearly, there are reasons for this, and those reasons can either be coming from outside the group (= the rest of society) or from within. I guess I know what you are, when you think the real problem comes from within the minority itself.
What about when they're the majority, like in Detroit? Is it still societies fault or is it their own damn fault for not being motivated enough to make their own lives better?
I have no tolerance for people that blame their hardships on things they think they can't control. I dont give a fuck if their black, white, Mexican, etc. All you have to do is have pride in yourself and work to make things better/different.
Ex:Hamtramck - within Detroit. Going through the same hardships. Yet the city at least looks good. The houses are up kept, there isn't mindless vandalism/theft. Proof that bad/good times are just what you yourself make of them.
It doesn't make that much of a difference if a minority is the majority in a fraction of a country, when they have experienced a literally centuries long history of discrimination and opression. That is pretty much the reason, why an empoverished white neighbourhood might look different than a black counterpart. Most adult whites grew up with the perspective they will make it somehow, have certain rights and some personal value, while many if not most blacks did not.
Actually today it is true that discimination is going slowly colorblind, its now concentrated on poor people in general. The war on meth is the first war on poor white people, same as the wars on drugs before were mainly racial discrimination. And consequently, there are white neighbourhoods that look just like black ones, thats what happens, when a hood does not see any perspective at all.
Racism sucks. Racists suck. So do people that blame these two things for all their problems.
Make something of your life with your own hard work and determination.
This from a gay poor kid that grew up in a shitty, intolerant, country town. Get tough. Stop making excuses.
· 10 years ago
Stop complaining about your life on Funsubstance. These aren't excuses, they're the truth.
boredatwork: difference may be that it is hard to be overseen being a black person (or a minority ethnic). I guess, when a gay person dresses and acts just like pretty much every gay person I know in my daily life, meaning like everybody else around them, then it is comparably easy to be ignored. So stereotypes about gay people are probably not based on the average, everyday homosexual person, but on let's say the more flamboyant, exalted kind (not saying its not everybodys right to act eccentric and "queer" as s/he pleases). Pretty much the same as with "thugs" who seem to give a bad name to blacks in general. Difference being however, that a non-thug black is still a black person, whereas most homosexuals are not recognized as such, if they do not want it. Most gay people I know "came out" to me by introducing me to their same-sex significant other.
Yessss most accurate thing I've read all day. I'm so tired of the black people that think white people owe them something. I'm not saying all black people are like that but a majority are. I'm not saying that there aren't a percent of white people that are low class. I'm saying its ridiculous how black people believe we owe them something and every white person is racist when in retrospect most black people are far more racist to white people. It's not a one way street
This is just a collection of stereotypes. Even in these dire times when black people have it the hardest and face new issues with the goverment every day, you people have the fucking guts to come up with bullshit like this. Do you have any idea how it feels to be judged on the colour of your skin everyday? Whoever posted this has no idea how priviliged he/she is.
I do not know how I feel about the majority being upset at this kind of behavior.... people feel this way because all they see and feel is oppression. All we are taught about African Americans in history is that they had to fight or work really hard to get where they are at or how they had to assimilate to the majorities ways. African American males who live in the projects, ghettos etc. are especially targeted by teachers, police officers, political officials, store clerks etc. for being up to no good. When someone is insecure they seem to lash out at whoever is making them feel bad.... I am not saying that playing the race card is any good but still when your whole world is filled with death, crime, racial discrimination you are gonna want to lash out so please majority look through his eyes and not your own. Trust me even I had to do it.
Racism from black people to white people is just as bad and as toxic as the reciprocal. White racism, Black racism, Asian racism, gets none of us anywhere.
I hate to point this out, but segregation was only 50 or so years ago, and plenty of african Americans grew up in poverty during and after it. After slavery ended, problems for blacks weren't over, and racism still exists today. The ferguson police department was shown to be systematically targeting African Americans in order to meet citation quotas. Racism isn't gone yet
· 10 years ago
Yes, racism (and many other forms of oppression) is rampant all over the world but the things depicted in the meme are not helping. You have an actual point about racism, the memes do not.
1) I want some of you to read a history book, read Roots, read Malcolm x, watch hidden colors 3, Google MOVE Philadelphia bombing ( how Philly BOMBED the house of innocent black families, living in self-sufficiency). Educate yourselves outside of propaganda you receive from the media and the internet then come back to this conversation.
2)And remember, black people cannot.....I repeat cannot be racist, because racisim is based on prejudice that systematically creates and maintains hardships and severe disadvantages for people based on race. Nothing a black person can say about white people can stop (or make it difficult) for white people to buy houses, get jobs, start businesses for generations to come.
3)How many of you personally know anyone who has said these things that are mentioned in the post? Most people don't think like that. It's foolishness. And it hides the truth of the hardships and disadvantages that many people go through. Don't be live the hype.
· 10 years ago
Ok yes they frickin can be racist. Just because they are black doesn't mean they can't, I repeat, can't be racist. You're the type of person that no one likes because you hate the true stereotypes.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Read up about how Irish people were treated. They got fucked, hard. And it was nothing to do with their skin colour.
I call bullshit yozogogo. My mother works in a medical facility and is the Assistant Director of Nursing. She is white, but her supervisor and the majority of her coworkers are black. She has been passed over multiple times for promotion, she does ALL of the corporate meetings, and if she ever reprimands a black worker, the black worker gets off scot-free. All because her supervisor makes all disciplinary decisions/hiring and firing. Her supervisor has even said "I'm just tryin' to look out for my brothers and sisters". Black people can be racist, and are sometimes worse than white people about race.
I have no tolerance for people that blame their hardships on things they think they can't control. I dont give a fuck if their black, white, Mexican, etc. All you have to do is have pride in yourself and work to make things better/different.
Ex:Hamtramck - within Detroit. Going through the same hardships. Yet the city at least looks good. The houses are up kept, there isn't mindless vandalism/theft. Proof that bad/good times are just what you yourself make of them.
Actually today it is true that discimination is going slowly colorblind, its now concentrated on poor people in general. The war on meth is the first war on poor white people, same as the wars on drugs before were mainly racial discrimination. And consequently, there are white neighbourhoods that look just like black ones, thats what happens, when a hood does not see any perspective at all.
Make something of your life with your own hard work and determination.
This from a gay poor kid that grew up in a shitty, intolerant, country town. Get tough. Stop making excuses.
2)And remember, black people cannot.....I repeat cannot be racist, because racisim is based on prejudice that systematically creates and maintains hardships and severe disadvantages for people based on race. Nothing a black person can say about white people can stop (or make it difficult) for white people to buy houses, get jobs, start businesses for generations to come.
3)How many of you personally know anyone who has said these things that are mentioned in the post? Most people don't think like that. It's foolishness. And it hides the truth of the hardships and disadvantages that many people go through. Don't be live the hype.