Mega churches are a place of mass worship, faith, connectedness with god, spirituality, happiness, acceptance and community. Having an open dialogue with The Lord himself with hundred of your loved ones is an experience like no other.
A bunch of people worshipping a fictional character is more purposeful than a place allowing hundreds or thousands of people to live? Right, I TOTALLY see you logic there.
Actually in the bible it says you're not supposed to worship en masse. It's about your relationship with god, so churches are actually pretty pointless.
The bible also says to love thy neighbor and be a good person, by helping people and making people happy, you're being a good person.
I go to a megachurch too, guest! It really is great having a lot of other people like you there and it has a big sense of welcoming and community. Love it so much! My small group is amazing!
Like, with a bunch of other people. You're supposed to worship when you can, and by yourself as it's with your personal connection with god. So spending millions and millions of building MEGA churches kind of defeats the purpose.
Sorry, fairytalepreferenc, unfortunately, this is not accurate. The Old and New Testaments are pretty clear about people worshipping God corporately - but I'll spare everyone the voluminous references to scripture. On another note, I'm a Christian and I completely agree with this post. In an attempt to be fair, though, perhaps we should judge worldviews by their actual teachings and their positions on the value of human life and not merely by the errors and inequities of their faithful.
The bible also says to love thy neighbor and be a good person, by helping people and making people happy, you're being a good person.