One of their parents is Jamaican and the other is white. So it's extremely rare, but one twin looks white while the other looks black.
(a frighteningly large mob of leprechauns step out from behind trees (that didn't seem to be there a moment before), armed to the teeth with lime green AK-47's and knives made out if rainbows.
"The girls," they say in unison "are Hexy's by Royal Decree. D'any of ye ha' any problem with thet?" The distressing sounds of Little People training all of their weapons on you makes you wish you wore the brown trousers today...
I don't see why you felt the need to write 'equally'. By saying that you're drawing more attention to the fact that different races are segregated
Saying 'they are both beautiful' would have sufficed
· 10 years ago
Alas, the residential trollguest speaks. I neither have nor need a reason to explain how much of a biggoted statement of such assumption that by saying 'equally' I was associating it with segregation. But you may drink your coffee and ride that high horse of yours if you want.
Can somone please flipping explain this? Like the ova were of the same woman's. How can one be a flippinf redhead and the other darker in tone? Wth. Someone needs to explain how.
"The girls," they say in unison "are Hexy's by Royal Decree. D'any of ye ha' any problem with thet?" The distressing sounds of Little People training all of their weapons on you makes you wish you wore the brown trousers today...
Saying 'they are both beautiful' would have sufficed
Yes, please.