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· 9 years ago
I like how this is NSFW due to a tiny penis in the second-to-last panel that really doesn't matter yet the one above it where the dog is licking the girl's ass is okay
· 9 years ago
I put shampoo and conditioner bottles at the bottom of the curtain to keep it from movinv
· 9 years ago
How about not using a shower curtain then? They're pretty unhygienic anyways.
· 9 years ago
I'm sorry, do you prefer to sleep bare naked on a cot? Because that's kind of the equivalent when you think about it.
· 9 years ago
No. I simply lay towels around the bathtub and clean up properly after showering. Shower curtains are full of bacteria and soak up the water and start to go moudly sooner or later. Also some bathtubs have plastic doors.
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· 9 years ago
I have never been in a bathroom with a plastic door for as long as I live. Everywhere I go, it's just more curtains.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
And well, I doubt that everyone always cleans up their shower curtain properly everytime because you do not see what needs to be cleaned. I'm just saying that it take sole two minutes to hang up some towels, and I'd rather do that then having to clean a whole curtain everytime or having to buy a new one at least twice a year in order to not having to fear mold.
· 9 years ago
Fair enough.
· 9 years ago
I've never had a shower curtain. I have a plastic door.. Is that weird? Is it a British thing?
· 9 years ago
I have one in my house, so I guess it's not a British thing. It depends on the shower. Some have curtains and some have plastic or glass doors. Some have nothing.