Either that, or we found each other in an previous life, and became one in this one, thus, no need to go around looking for someone else.
In all seriousness, not a clue. Let's take this question to the Greco-Roman pantheon, see if Athena/Minerva has an answer.
So just adding one more perspective, why would a kind god burn me in hell forever for not believing in him? Like there are soooo many religions saying so many different things it's only human to be confused or look for other answers that make the most sense to us. If god is enough of a jerk to burn me eternally because I don't believe in a specific belief system then he doesn't deserve my devotion.
· 9 years ago
Thank you, penguin. Buddhism is about the only religion I have respect for because it welcomes you to challenge it. It's more of a way of thinking. Almost like science, because science is about trying to disprove something instead of being completely closed minded and saying that something that makes absolutely no sense is the answer.
Lol, everyone hating on me, down-voting my uninvolved comments. :) That's okay. Many hated Christ so much that they killed him, bringing to fruition God's plan of redemption, despite thinking that they won. LOL! *noms another cookie (when will people learn - you can't argue against God and win).
· 9 years ago
You know what you can't argue against and win? Logic.
God is the author of logic. Humans... thinking you're so clever with your science. God laughs at you in your high and mighty position of arrogance. Man didn't invent gravity, we just measured it. All things that science "creates", or discovers, is very simply just MAN (God's creation) putting the puzzle pieces together. Many great things have been done by man, sure, but to leave God out of the picture is, in fact, illogical... not to mention self-condemning, and arrogant.
What do you mean? I just meant the cookie stuff, lol.
· 9 years ago
Oh my bill nye, there is no winning with religious freaks. They don't listen to reason. I can refute every claim you have that there is proof that there is a god. And if you have no proof, then that speaks for itself.
You know, it's funny that you're speaking for god when he doesn't want anyone speaking for him. And you act like you aren't human. You are.
For all you know the Christians could be furthest from the truth.
And it's also funny how you said you hope no one believes this when your creation myth is just as ridiculous.
What if your soulmate is black then that means you were zebra like before Zeus split you up. Or what if your soul mate is the same sex then did you have two vaginas or two dicks. This Plato guy is a liar.
Actually, there were some that were the same sex. There's more to the myth than this.
And this was their religion, it's no more accurate than the men who wrote the bible.
And they were mainly Greek oriented, they never mentioned race as far as I know.
In all seriousness, not a clue. Let's take this question to the Greco-Roman pantheon, see if Athena/Minerva has an answer.
For all you know the Christians could be furthest from the truth.
And it's also funny how you said you hope no one believes this when your creation myth is just as ridiculous.
And this was their religion, it's no more accurate than the men who wrote the bible.
And they were mainly Greek oriented, they never mentioned race as far as I know.