But she is a she now. She didn't go through all of this just so that people would continue calling her 'he'. The title says 'he's about to go super-Saiyan'. That's in present tense, and right now (present tense) Caitlyn Jenner is a 'she' and tot a 'he'.
And btw, pronouns really matter. Let's say you are a *insert gender* and people keep calling you by the opposite gender. Doesn't that irritate you? Well the same goes for Caitlyn. And she may not be here right now to read this, but MANY transgender people go through the pain of being called by their ex-gender. Trust me, I know.
Yes but you see irritation never killed anyone, everyone doesn't have to be ok with the decisions you make, Bruce is an American where we have the freedom of speech. I'm excepting of people but it's wrong to try and force your decisions on everyone. Not everyone is going to call her a her and that's fine. If they attack her for being a her that's wrong, but a simple pronoun is not something to get worked up over. Trust me, if had enough friends on the ends of hate crimes to know what kind of ass holes people can be.
And btw, pronouns really matter. Let's say you are a *insert gender* and people keep calling you by the opposite gender. Doesn't that irritate you? Well the same goes for Caitlyn. And she may not be here right now to read this, but MANY transgender people go through the pain of being called by their ex-gender. Trust me, I know.