Ah, more misuses of the word honophobic. And more drastic misinterpretations of someone who doesn't agree with their lifestyle.
· 9 years ago
Good point, buddy. It's on even about equal sides anymore, either you support homosexuality or you're a homophobic douchebag. So much for equality, huh?
Personally, I don't agree with homosexuality. This is just my opinion. I am a religious person so it will always clash with what I was brought up to believe in. But that does not mean I'm going to start shaming and insulting gays/lesbians. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you, I don't care about your sexual orientation. Heck, I've even had gay friends! There is a difference between disagreeing with the concept itself and being a complete assh*le to the people who belong to that concept.
· 9 years ago
Thank you! You're a role model to everyone belonging in a religion that is against homosexuality
Riiiiiiight ,so because you don't know what is on the rest of the gender spectrum you're going to say it doesn't exist and pat each other on the back for your ignorance? How about you do some research you dumb bums and stop being so narrow minded.
There is not a spectrum. Stop being a spoiled little bitch that thinks you can pick out whatever you feel like. There's no squirrelkin or birdkin or whatever the fuck you guys call it. It is NOT a spectrum. There is male and female and straight or homosexual.
Bisexual- you still take gender into account.
Pansexual- you are attracted to a person solely for personality with no regards to gender.
Also, this is an interesting statement on gender in support of it being a spectrum.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Mate, just no. You might not be asexual or pansexual, but neither am I, and I am still able to understand it. There is a definite spectrum and there is definitive research. There are dozens of gender and sexual identities and you cannot claim that they do not exist without rhyme or reason. Otherkin is the idea of being spiritually related to a creature or object other than a human, but there is really no evidence towards this psychologically and is pretty much either a very VERY deep interest or just a lie. So that means that that isn't related to gender and sexual identity. So shame on you, for not educating yourself on the actual feelings of others in a society where you can find things out in an instant (aka Google). Nobody picks out what they like. They just discover what they're born with. Please stop being so close minded and learn to accept and adapt and understand.
Pan and bi are the exact same thing. The both don't care what gender you are. I'm throughly confused by this spectrum thing...what else is there besides male and female, other than hermaphrodites.
There is something inherent about gender identity (I will be keeping with this assumption through the rest of my statement so if you disagree right now you will disagree with the rest). As most people know, some individuals are transgender, and feel that the gender they were assigned at birth does not fit the gender their mind is (still with me?). So, if we can agree that gender is inherent and an individual can detect if the gender they are pushed into is incorrect for them, wouldn't the logical conclusion be that some people can detect that neither of our binary genders fit them? Also, pansexual and bisexual are not the same, but I won't bore you with an argument: it's just vocab.
· 9 years ago
Also, that is true and it happens. Pansexual disregard sexual and gender identities, but bisexuals only like those who identity as gay or lesbian (or bisexual)
Meanwhile, this guide is handy for those who don't understand this whole thing. Please educate yourself about this. Thanks!
Agender- lacking a distinct identity of "boy" or "girl"
Gender fluid- feeling as though your identity fluctuates between multiple genders
Bigender- identifying as both a "boy" and a "girl"
And before it is asked: yes, these identities are found in multiple cultures and time periods (though often by different names).
Here's an interesting article if you wish to learn more:
I don't understand this gender spectrum thing. I get that people don't like their genders, but that I don't see how that creates another gender. I'm asking if there is more than just a penis and a vagina.
I'm glad you have a background in this, then! Hopefully it will help you remain open minded, and I hope it has piqued your interest enough to make you want to pursue independent research on the topics as our understanding of gender evolves and becomes more comprehensive.
In all honesty I would be surprised (pleasantly) if they had covered the gender spectrum. Luckily, the internet is plentiful with resources for research and the world is full of people with first hand knowledge for you to talk to: if you want sources you know are credible, perhaps find an LGBT+ Center in your area and drop by. It may not feed into your career as an engineer but it does affect how you understand and interact with people.
The biggest problem I have with trying to learn about these types of subjects is the enormous bias you have to sift through from both directions, so it's hard to find concrete truth.
The best advice I can give is to look at scholarly articles and trusted news sources. Bias is a huge issue, and maybe this is my own showing through, but try to always listen to the person experiencing the phenomena (whether it be gender identity, sexuality, you name it) before anything else.
Yeah, a lot of people give false info. But search up, and maybe talk to LGBTQ+ centres nearby for questions, and there are some good articles, but you have to find them.
They also believe of you're mtf trans you're and imposter and if ftm trans you're a traitor
They also made a show about showing kids different sexualities and stuff ... But it's like it's on steroids or somthing
· 9 years ago
Guys... It doesn't say straight, it says homophobic... Which means that they aren't assuming straight people are homophobic
Maybe it used to be that... but now it's more like the homosexual sues all the others for not making pasta at their "pizza only" stores.
· 9 years ago
One, there shouldn't be straight people only stores (actual pizza only is fine but I think you mean no homosexuals) and two, yeah, some gays can be really mean. But remember, they're just the popularised minority
Well, the first amendment right to association protects the idea of a "no gays" store. While I find that idea distasteful, men died to protect that freedom. I wouldn't shop there but wether or not it's proper, if we stop them from doing it it opens the door to a serious abuse of rights.
Pansexual- you are attracted to a person solely for personality with no regards to gender.
Also, this is an interesting statement on gender in support of it being a spectrum.
Also, that is true and it happens. Pansexual disregard sexual and gender identities, but bisexuals only like those who identity as gay or lesbian (or bisexual)
Meanwhile, this guide is handy for those who don't understand this whole thing. Please educate yourself about this. Thanks!
Gender fluid- feeling as though your identity fluctuates between multiple genders
Bigender- identifying as both a "boy" and a "girl"
And before it is asked: yes, these identities are found in multiple cultures and time periods (though often by different names).
Here's an interesting article if you wish to learn more:
Here's are some good resources explaining the difference between sex and gender:
They also made a show about showing kids different sexualities and stuff ... But it's like it's on steroids or somthing