All those guys on here against the whole feminism thing. Making jokes. Calling people femanazis... don't forget what America is all about. Don't forget you are an American (sorry everyone who isnt). Don't forget what we advertise and what we aren't. This is a step towards the nation we all dream for. And yeah. Their are some extremists out there. But that's what happens when the oppressed have had enough. Had this happened back during the Civil rights movement none of the craziness would be happening.
To the people who down voted guest 2, yes there are people who get called rapists because they are male.
· 9 years ago
Just because that's its definition doesn't mean that people use it that way. There are some women who say this is what they stand for but their actions say they want superiority. I know not all feminists are like this, but enough are. Real feminists should be speaking out against those people.
This moment when some people can not differentiat between the advertisment of an ideology and the theoretical ground work. Or do you think Hitler came to power with: Were are gona kill millions of people for the Lols?
what i wouldn't do to not see any of this crap bitching about feminists (and while this is a pro feminist post, we all know where these comments are going) and fat people and other polarizing nonsense which people just use as excuses to sound righteous in their hate.
Who want superiority
Dad jokes at its finest