What's funny is that people punch me and they get hurt
Sometimes when my dad is mad at me, he'll hit me and then get hurt and that'll make him madder
I try my best not to laugh in those situations
Im 6'1 but really small arms, so during a soccer game, a bitch told me to hit the gym so i trucked him on his ass. Never underestimate someone's strength by the upper body. A stronger lower body can still pack a punch
I'm 5"1 and weigh barely 100 lbs, but I ride horses. I can lift a bag of grain easily, and lift a hay bale. Those things are 50 pounds easy, the hay is around 75. Don't underestimate my little-ness >:D
· 9 years ago
Haha I hate it when people are like "you're totally accident prone, and you so thin, I could kick your ass!" And I'm just over here thinking "I may be accident prone, but did you live with a dad whose favourite past time was teaching his kids to fight, as well as signing them up for martial arts?"
Hahaa random-story-I-just-remembered time: I took a (yes, a as in one) karate lesson when I was five and thought they were always going to punch me. According to the teacher, I kept up well but I quit because I didn't want to get punched in the face. Ah, little me.
It's so annoying because I for one am definitely /not/ skinny. But i can fit my fingers around my wrists exactly the same way as in the picture. In proportion to the rest of my body, my wrists are virtual twigs. And I am constantly fucking them up in some way because they are just to little and breakable. I can barley to a push-up without hurting them somehow
They played catch with me once (when I was younger)
People pick me up and I hit them with extremely bony knuckles
Sometimes when my dad is mad at me, he'll hit me and then get hurt and that'll make him madder
I try my best not to laugh in those situations
Second, what do you have against black people?