Animals kill because they need food, and they have no other choice, and almost all of them refrain from hunting for sport. Humans kill because they're bored, because people look different than them, because people have different views on society and religion than them. In my opinion, because of the rash amount of wrongdoing without any form of substantial motive, human is the insulting term, not animal.
But hey, you don't need to be cynical like me. I just overanalyze a lot.
· 9 years ago
Well, animals have no morals, a lot of them kill/eat their own children. Some humans have ethics, all humans are capable of knowing right from wrong, animals are not.
They can indeed, dolphin males have been seen to take part in a gang rape of a female dolphin. But that doesn't mean that the amount of wrongdoings by animals is equal to the amount of wrongdoings by humans. We are definitely worse, we kill both fellow humans and animals, we destroy the homes of millions of animals daily (globally speaking), we even hunt specific species to extinction. So you are right when saying that animals CAN be assholes too, but our amount of asshole is unmeasurably worse.
I like that human should not be used a synonym of compassion. And animals can be assholes too. Yes. out of maybe 20 different dogs that have been at my family house at different moments in my lifetime I only knew one female who didn't want to take care of her young. So yes it can happen but I feel confident in saying is unfortunately more common in humans to be assholes than in animals
· 9 years ago
That's exactly what I mean. What other animals do is terrible, but humans can't exactly blame them considering what they do on a regular basis.
But hey, you don't need to be cynical like me. I just overanalyze a lot.