When someone is looking at you and for some reason you look their way, you will be looking directly into their eyes.
· 9 years ago
But how, though? If that person is not in your field of view, there is virtually no means of detection unless that person is completely alone with you (in which case, perhaps pheromones or scent may indicate subconsciously his or her presence).
I, personally, think we only have this ability once we have seen the person. Our brains process those few centiseconds of data when we looked around, and worked out that someone in that crowd is looking at us. If you do not look, you will remain oblivious.
Yup, totally fucking sounds legit.
I, personally, think we only have this ability once we have seen the person. Our brains process those few centiseconds of data when we looked around, and worked out that someone in that crowd is looking at us. If you do not look, you will remain oblivious.