Ehhhuhhhh. This is kinda. Ehhhhuuuhhhh. You can notify the court that you dont have the income to pay and they wont send you to jail because child support is based on income. And it takes multiple violations. And women also go to jail for not paying child support. Those homes are for women who are the primary care taker. So. Ehhhhhuhhhhh. This is kinda extreme MRA propoganda.
Yes, but there are no such homes for men who are the primary caretakers. It isn't fair for men, either. Fact is that being either sex has things about it that suck, but women get about 95% of the press, and bitch about not receiving the other 5%. Now I'm just waiting for all the spoiled brat feminists to try and verbally kick my teeth in.
· 9 years ago
Yes there is men can apply for public housing just like women and families too
Child support is based on minimum wage if you do not have a job . If you do not get a job you can/will be put in jail . Yes you are allowed time to get a job but the back child support + interest will have to be paid . If you can not work (medical reasons) the child receives social security payments just like the parent that is unable to work to pay the support .
Down vote me if you want but if you can't / don't want to pay child support don't have kids . Just because you are unemployed does not leave the responsibility of paying to raise the child on the parent that has custody .
Wow disaster, you're kind of harsh there. Work doesn't grow on frigging trees, not for college grads or for people who only have a GED. Good grief man. People lose their jobs. Often they can't get another job for a year because the area they live in has no good work, which is why they got fired in the first place. I've been through it and I have a good degree. Unless you live in construction central, Orlando Florida, in many places in the country there is just not a lot of free standing work. People hold on hard to their jobs and don't move away to find better work. It's not Regan's 80's anymore. Kids need their parents even if money's tight. Don't be so North Korean about the kids.
So you mean people should give away their children just because they dont have money? Wow. Cold heart.
That's not what I said . What I said was put your big girl/boy pants on and take precautions to not have kids til you are ready to financially support them . And if you so happen to have a child you take whatever job there is to make money to support them . It does not have to be the job you want . Once there is a child to take care of you do what you have to do to support them not let the burden fall on the other parent .
And also, the way you said it it sounded like people who didnt have money should give their childs away or something. My apologies.
I'll tell you what I want to , you don't run me . What I wrote and the conclusion you jumped to were 2 entirely different things . As for fake wars on the Internet do what you must . I do not like ppl saying that I said something I DID NOT .
She werent. She said that the way you wrote it it sounded like poor people should not have kids.
But still, a Pite-bo doesnt just rack down on people because of a clueless conclusion. She will apologize as fast as she have calmed down.
Waaaaaaah! Women get all the benefits, poor poor men, so badly done by. If your so sad about these so called extra benefits, maybe you could take it up with the 85% male run government that makes the laws. Your sad.
Yea, this post is the worst kind of logical fallacy. It shows a lack of understanding of this situation, or an unwillingness to accept the complexities.
First off , don't tell me how to post a comment .
Second in no way did I ever say to give away your child . What I SAID was get a job and support them . It is NOT ok to have a child and to not take care of them. Show me where I said to give away your child ????
oh my god...
(And i tell you how to post a comment if I want to, little one. Never tell me not to tell you. This is a website, but I can make it a war if you want to.)
That's not what I said . What I said was put your big girl/boy pants on and take precautions to not have kids til you are ready to financially support them . And if you so happen to have a child you take whatever job there is to make money to support them . It does not have to be the job you want . Once there is a child to take care of you do what you have to do to support them not let the burden fall on the other parent .
And also, the way you said it it sounded like people who didnt have money should give their childs away or something. My apologies.
But still, a Pite-bo doesnt just rack down on people because of a clueless conclusion. She will apologize as fast as she have calmed down.
Second in no way did I ever say to give away your child . What I SAID was get a job and support them . It is NOT ok to have a child and to not take care of them. Show me where I said to give away your child ????
(And i tell you how to post a comment if I want to, little one. Never tell me not to tell you. This is a website, but I can make it a war if you want to.)