There was this time, on the first day of classes, that this guy comes in, goes to the board and starts writing something about the Revolutionary War and some dates. Meanwhile the rest of the room is confused as fuck and just watch the dude write stuff in the board. Then the Professor shows up, stares at the guy and says "one of us is in the wrong room, and I still don't know if it's you or me." At this point, the guy (who I assume is another professor) does a double take, watch the rest of the students, and the books/materials most of us have on the desks, and says "this is not freshman level History, is it?" and we all go "nope, sorry, this is biostatistics." and he says "so math and science combined. Yeah, I'm lost. Sorry for misunderstanding professor." The other professor just watches him leave with a grin and once the guy leaves proceeds to laugh out loud.
On the third day of biochemistry class, one of my classmates walked up (I was sitting down at one of the student workbenches) and said "professor, I have a question about something you went over in the last lecture" to me. We already had a collective 8 hours of lecture from the professor at that point, and I do not really look much like him.