I always thought falling in love by marriage first then experience was sweet in its own way. You just eventually fall in love with them. Or you could make a partnership for life. I think it's really nice.
Any 2 good people can fall in love as strangers. It just takes people who are good and honest. And marrying that way perpetuates good people breeding. I like it. A good gal and a good guy will have spent their youth being a child studying and really just marinating in this culture of "be a good and honest person" which makes people be observant and hard working because priorities. Generally they would see marriage as a part of life and make it worthwhile, iron out the kinks and make it work. Give each other peace and support cuz do it. I love it.
There have actually been lots of reports that say arranged marriages last longer and are happier ( excluding those icky 40 year age gap ones ) than the dating then marry kind
· 9 years ago
That's because you're not marrying for "romantic" love. Your bond is longer lasting. Many people think they are not in love any more because the romance is gone. But that's romantic love is not true love.