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· 9 years ago
Jobless benefits? Whoever made this is a complete idiot.
· 9 years ago
Considering that the jobless far outnumber the rich...I understand the point they're trying to get across, its just not a good one
· 9 years ago
I hate to break it to you...but that's EVERY politician, doesn't matter what their political party is.
· 9 years ago
pretty accurate!
· 9 years ago
So letting people keep the money that they earned is more of a problem than taking money that was earned by one person and giving it to someone who didn't earn it?
· 9 years ago
the U.S. economy is like a wagon. At first, everyone is pulling the wagon, and it makes great progress. However, after some time, a few of the people get tired, and decide to sit inside the wagon. Now, not only have the few people stopped pulling, but everyone else has to pull the slackers' weight. A few more of the people find themselves tiring, and seeing that the first few were able to rest in the wagon, sit in the wagon too. This process continues until only a tiny group of the strongest people remain - they pull the weight of everyone else. And the worst part? The people in the wagon complain that the pullers aren't doing enough and blame the ones who are actually pulling their weight! Finally, the wagon, too heavy, collapses and voila.
· 9 years ago
Exactly. The people who are demanding handouts require someone else to give up what they've earned to provide them. They need to get off the metaphorical wagon and chip in with pulling.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
This isn't even remotely accurate in any way. Except that the GOP is a bunch of old white men...
· 9 years ago
This is why the US should say screw democracy and capitalism were going communist/ Marxist
· 9 years ago
I say dictatorship