Same here in Australia. The mining companies are given so many tax exemptions, meanwhile they rape our lands of everything in it. There won't be a thing left for my grandkids!
This loses much of its impact once you look at who shoulders most of the tax burden in the US and who ends up getting back more than they paid in.
She sounds like this idiot I used to hang around with in high school. I borrowed a pencil from him for one class and he expects me to chauffeur him around all weekend and supply him with beer and weed, "because you owe me". It was a freaking pencil and I gave it back.
It should be worthy to note that police is paid to sustain society safety, to catch criminals and to use their forces only if necessary...... Well I mean, the "necessary" defined by common sense, not by the ones who shoots the bullets.
She sounds like this idiot I used to hang around with in high school. I borrowed a pencil from him for one class and he expects me to chauffeur him around all weekend and supply him with beer and weed, "because you owe me". It was a freaking pencil and I gave it back.