Yes, I'm sure if that if you are clinically depressed, that parking spot is not ment for you, rather someone with severe arthritis or some one whom is partially paralyzed. Sorry.
I don't think their talking mental illnesses. I think they mean disabilities that are physical but can't be seen such as a replaced hip
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
It is for any disability that inhibits walking whether obvious or not. I have a brain tumor and fall down....often. But when I'm not falling down I walk okay. Also includes people with heart problems, asthma, etc, that can cause you to have difficulty breathing when walking long distances.
I had a supervisor who was a fire jumper; fire fighters who jumped into forest fires. Because of this, both hips were shot and he had a hard time with long distant walking so he had a handicap parking pass. You'd never know he had ANY health issues by just looking at him. SIDE NOTE: I did see an officer block a guy who was parked in the handicap spot with his police car so he could give him a ticket. He parked in that spot so he would be closer to the ice cream shop. Everyone just smiled and waved as they walked by.
This post describes my life. I have a genetic disorder called PCD. In as short of a description possible, we all have these teeny hairs all over our body called cilia. Normal cilia move and that helps mucus and all the bad stuff in your, for example, lungs, get moved out of your lungs/where it shouldn't be. Well, mine don't do that, so basically all that gunk is just sitting there. It also leads to things like chronic ear and sinus infections, and it's a heck of a lot easier to get things like pneumonia and bronchitis, each of which I've had three/four times at least (I'm 15). I once had an ear infection for two months..and 11 surgeries (not all PCD related). Heck, might not even be able to have a baby later on. There's also a lot of other stuff but y'all can google that on your own time. But the problem is it's a genetic disorder - no cure. It's super rare tho with odds of 1 to 22,000. But I think it just makes me more of a fighter, and I'm just lucky I'm healthy as I am.
Also (ran out of space up there) I don't want y'all to think I was saying that for attention or anything. It's just all I have to go through. But my mom deserves serious props too, she suffered from preeclampsia and delivered me 3 months early by C-section. Heck, she nearly bled out in birth. She's just as much of a fighter as I am if not more, if one of us deserves attention it's her.
Wow. That's a lot to go through. My son has bronchopulmonary dysplaysia/chronic lung disease. He was 15wks early and only weighed a pound at birth. He is two and only came home for the first time not even two months ago. He has a teach and g tube and requires extensive care. I love how you mention your mom. It is a lot of work to take care of a medically complex child and having to deal with a preemie takes a special person. Being a mom is often a thankless job but the mom of a complex child is even more so. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
Thank you! And you too, I know how hard being born early is, lol. And yeah, we've been down some hard roads together but we're lucky to have each other. I hope your son is well too, and hope he has a wonderful life ahead of him. I know he will!:)
We have a handicap parking placard because my son is on oxygen and has a lot of equipment that goes with him. We also need the extra room to unload even though he doesn't need one of those vans. If we park in a regular spot sometimes d bags park too close and we have to move the car to get everything in.
Yup! My mom has very bad arthritis along with what's called Fybromyalga (i think I spelled that right maybe). But it causes chronic pain and walking is very hard. Plus my father has COPD and a replaced hip plus his entire femur in one leg is basically metal. So to people just looking in my parents just look like a lazy pair of some what overweight adults when really they need the spot because of their disabilities.
· 9 years ago
I have arthritis and Lupus, but I couldn't get a handicap placard until my brain tumor and I came in with torn ligaments, broke bones, etc from falling.
Me: *takes foot off*
People: *stares at me*
Me: sup Im Hiccup